Chapter 18: Gilderoy Lockhart

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The train ride to Hogwarts had been uneventful, Ginny joined Harry, Hermione, and Neville in the compartment they had chosen, they were only ten minutes into the journey when Harry noticed how well Ginny and Neville were getting along together, they were chatting like old friends, and it made him smile to know that this time Ginny's personality would not change.

Hermione spent most of the journey sat in Harry's lap, several times when they kissed Hermione found her two rather large front teeth were some what annoying, she realised that she was always being just a little cautious with her smile and a little self conscious of their size, by the time they had reached the half way point she had decided she should do something about her problem teeth. She knew her mum and dad did not want her to use magical methods to have them corrected but she also now knew that as a married woman she was no longer their responsibility, that position was now held by her husband.

Once her mind was made up Hermione settled more into Harry's lap then resting her head on his chest she fell asleep. She was woken up by Harry as the train began to slow down 'We should get changed into our robes' he told her as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

The trip from the train station to Hogwarts was a new experience for Hermione as she climbed aboard one of the horseless carriages, she paused in the door way and watched as Harry stroked some invisible animal, whispering to it as he did so.

'What is it pulling the carriage, Harry?' she asked when he joined her on the back seat of the carriage.

'They are called Thestrals, you can only see them if you have witnessed someone die' Harry answered quietly.

'Oh Harry, you saw your mum die' Hermione said wishing she had kept her thoughts to herself.

Harry simply nodded then put his head back his eyes closed, 'We should be there soon, I wonder how Ginny is doing on the boats' he thought as the carriage trundled on toward the school. After the sorting Harry watched as Dumbledore introduced their new Defence against the dark arts teacher, Professor Gilderoy Lockhart. "He's just a fraud, and a liar," Harry told Hermione as they watched the girls all around them clapping vigorously "he hasn't done a single thing he writes about in those books."

The sorting soon began and after the usual song from the hat Ginny, who was one of the last to be sorted, was sorted into Gryffindor, just as Harry knew she would be, she joined them at the Gryffindor table ignoring Ron when he beckoned her to join him.

The rest of the headmasters welcoming speech was as usual all about the things that the students should not do and the rather long list of banned items on Mr Filch's special list. After the feast was finished and the plates had all vanished Ginny and Hermione carried on chatting ignoring the call of the prefect for the first years to follow him, instead Ginny stayed with Harry, Neville, and Hermione discussing what to expect the following day among other Hogwarts related things.

"This place is so much better than I imagined," Ginny said as she stared at the magical ceiling.

"Yeah I know, it doesn't matter how well someone describes this place to you the reality is always so much different," Harry answered.

"I kept getting lost last year, spent half my time walking along the wrong corridors," Neville said grinning.

"Harry, take Ginny up to the common room with you, I have something I need to do," Hermione told him as they got up to leave the great hall.

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