Chapter 13: Birds and The Bees

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Harry woke Sirius at seven in the morning with a fresh cup of piping hot tea, once he was sure that Sirius was awake Harry sat down opposite him and explained the reason for him being woken up. "I promised you yesterday that I would let you into our secret, so when we have drunk our tea, there is a clearing in the wood where I can do a little demonstrating. I've left Hermione in bed thought she might like the extra sleep," Harry told his godfather.

'What sleep would that be Harry James Potter?' Hermione's voice in his head asked him.

'I thought you were asleep sweetheart, anyway you'll be better off in bed it's freezing outside' he told her and heard her sigh.

'It's not really much fun being in bed alone' she pouted.

'Hermione Jane Potter, if anyone could hear you they would think we do more than just sleep in our bed' Harry chuckled at her.

'Well we will do one day you know, remember mum told me all about the birds and the bees you know, so I know what to do.' she boasted.

'Well as I don't have a mum, you'll have to tell me all about these birds and the bees' Harry replied then burst out laughing.

Sirius looked at Harry for a moment then realised he was having a conversation with Hermione, who just happened to be in a different building. Sirius found it all a little hard to accept, his eleven year old godson was doing things well beyond anything he had seen anyone else do. As soon as Sirius had finished his tea Harry led him to a clearing in the Weasley wood. After creating a warming charm over the area Harry asked a dumbfounded Sirius what he would like to see him do.

"What you mean more than the warming charm, or Hermione dealing with that Portrait of my mother, oh I don't know how about transfiguring that lump of wood into a nice cosy chair," Sirius grinned.

"What you mean like that," Harry asked as the chair appeared "or should I conjure us a nice couch to relax on, or maybe you might like a nice fireplace with a roaring fire," Harry said as the things he mentioned all appeared in the clearing.

"Ok Harry, I'm convinced, and you say Hermione can do all this as well, eh?" Sirius was impressed, some of the things Harry had just done he would have been really hard pressed to do himself. "So when did all this power start to develop?"

"Everything became more powerful when Hermione kissed me and we were bonded," Harry answered as he vanished the things he had conjured.

Making their way back to the Burrow Harry asked Sirius if he would accompany him to Hogwarts "I'm going to need someone to watch Hermione for me. I don't want her getting close to that Horcrux again till she is fully able to control her magical core," he said as the house came in sight.

"Ah there's another thing, how do you know about Horcrux's when reference to them is not found in any ordinary wizarding books," Sirius asked stopping just inside the tree line.

"I can't tell you that Sirius because I don't know how it happened," Harry answered hoping Sirius wouldn't press the point, "I also know that I need Gryffindor's sword to destroy that lump of evil."

"Harry no one knows where that sword is, or even if it is real." Sirius sighed if Harry thought he needed the sword of Gryffindor to destroy the Horcrux they could well be in for a rough time getting rid of Voldemort. The fabled sword of Gryffindor had vanished when the great man had died, and had never been seen since. There were rumours that it was hidden somewhere within the walls of Hogwarts but no one had found it yet.

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