Chapter 4: Harry, Snape and the Argument

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Harry lay in the bed barely daring to move, though he had managed to get past seeing Hermione naked ok, she was after all just a young girl and though she had just begun to develop he managed to convince himself she was not much different to boys yet, apart from the more obvious extras, oh and the missing bits.

He was however rather worried about touching her, not knowing what she might like or dislike, or worse still what she might do if while asleep he touched her somewhere he shouldn't. So he lay as still as he could barely breathing. Suddenly he could feel the bed begin to shake, Hermione suddenly unable to hold it in any longer burst out laughing.

"You said you wouldn't laugh," Harry moaned.

"I'm not laughing at you Harry, well I am but not why you think I am," she laughed finding the look he gave her tickling her even more.

"Well what's so funny then?" he pouted.

"Look Harry I'm as nervous as you are, right, but at least I'm trying to relax," Hermione said sitting up. "Look at your self you look like a statue, you haven't moved a muscle since we got in the bed. Now if the same thing happened to you that has happened to me there is nothing to be nervous about. I can feel your emotions. I can hear some of your thoughts. I can, if I concentrate hard see what you see through your eyes. I can feel what you feel, so tell me Harry how many couples know each other that well. How am I supposed to sleep when you are so tense? I won't bite you if you touch me, and I won't break or anything. Oh and no I am not usually this brave, I just think if we are to be together for all time, then we should get over the embarrassing parts quickly, besides its not like we are going to have sex yet is it."

"I don't think I'm old enough for that yet," Harry said grinning a little.

"Well let's lie down, you can put your arm around me and for pete's sake relax a little, and get some sleep." She said as she turned her back to him and shuffled back a little.

Harry ended up with no real choice, he either did as she said, or he fell off the bed, not wanting Hermione to laugh at him again he put his arm around her then without thinking he pulled her tight to his chest. 'Hermione's right of course, we need to get past the shyness, I don't even know why I am shy, true it's hard to remember the last time I kissed a woman, it can't be much more than a hundred and twenty years ago'. Harry thought as he drifted to sleep.

Harry knew he was dreaming and tried to wake himself, he was twenty years old again, Ginny Weasley was on his arm as they walked down the aisle, reaching the alter they split up. Ginny moved to one side while he moved to Ron's right, they all stood there waiting, then Hermione walked down the aisle. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, she joined Ron at the alter and gave Harry a quick glance, it was in that one second during that glance that he knew he truly loved her, not as a friend but as the woman who had taken his heart. He thought he had seen love in her eyes as she had glanced at him, but when he was awake he was never sure, it was only in his dreams did that glance replay itself showing the love, the sorrow, and the regret. She said 'I do' to Ron, that was the day Harry finally began to actually hate Ronald Weasley.

He was standing at the door of the Burrow Hermione hugged him a little longer than was normal and then kissed his cheek, he heard the whisper he heard every time he had the dream, but this time he heard the words, words whispered so quietly his conscious mind had missed them "I'll always love you Harry," his heart was ripping into a thousand pieces as she left for her honeymoon with Ron.

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