Chapter 11: Happy at the Burrow

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Molly Weasley had made her decision, she could not harm children no matter what the reason, and there was no way that she would let 'Arthur blooming Weasley' have the last word on any subject, and that included the sleeping arrangements of the two young visitors. She could not move Ron or Ginny from their own rooms, it would not be right, it just wouldn't be fair on either of her two youngest. So grabbing her wand she marched very purposely from the house, she was about to do something she had thought of doing on more than one occasion. "Right Arthur Weasley lets see how you like this when you get home," she said as she entered his work shed, she was going to enjoy this.

With a few waves of her wand she had shrunk all of Arthur's muggle collection and all of his other things every gadget and whatsit, and placed them in a corner at the back of the shed. A few more waves of her trusty wand and the inside of the shed slightly resembled Ginny's bedroom.

By the time she was conjuring a comfortable looking bed; Molly had lost her anger at Arthur and was actually enjoying herself.

It had been quite some time since she had performed any magic other than the usual cleaning and washing spells, so she set about the transformation of the little shed with eagerness. With a rather grand flourish of her wand she conjured a nice wall to wall carpet, with a deep pile and embossed all over with the Gryffindor lion. Pleased at how well things were turning out she thought about how cold it might get in the little shed at night, so she conjured tapestries to cover all the walls, and a little pot bellied stove to warm the place up. She even went as far as expanding the shed doubling its size, so she could add a few more touches. By the time she had finished she had been so carried away with her creation that it now looked like a place fit for a duke.

Molly stood at the door of the shed and looked at the now opulent interior and realised that she had really gone well over the top, but with a chuckle she left it as it was and returned to her kitchen to finish preparing breakfast for her sure to be hungry family. She left Harry and Hermione to sleep until the appearance of Ron, yawning and rubbing his eyes but still ready and eager for his morning feast.

In the living room Molly gave Hermione a gentle shake "Breakfast dear," she said as the bleary eyes of the bushy haired girl became focused.

"Thanks Mrs Weasley," Hermione croaked as she shook Harry to wake him.

"I have a little surprise for you after breakfast; now what would you like pumpkin juice or tea with your meal." Molly almost whispered as though not wanting to wake Harry.

"Could we both have tea please?" Hermione asked wondering why Mrs Weasley had such an odd, out of place grin on her face.

Harry felt absolutely great when he woke, none of his unhappiness from the day before was left, it was as though he had been a different person yesterday. Following Hermione through to the kitchen he took in a deep breath savouring the aromas that were drifting through the entire house.

Breakfast at the Burrow was a noisy affair; the entire family apart from the father sat happily around the kitchen table eating and talking, several different conversations were taking place all at the same time. Harry looked around the table and a huge smile crossed his face, this was how he remembered the Burrow, a place of happiness and joy, not the place of loneliness and sadness he had felt only yesterday.

Leaning over Hermione's shoulder Mrs Weasley placed an old book between Hermione and Harry, "You should read this, it really is interesting, I doubt there is another copy left anywhere else in the world, it's a sort of heirloom been passed down in the Prewett family for generations, I was reading a little of it yesterday," she said as she opened the book to the page she had shown Arthur.

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