Chapter 14: Caught at Honeydukes

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Back at the Burrow Harry sat and listened as Dumbledore talked about the Horcrux. He had asked Harry several times how he had known about such things but Harry just repeated that he did not know how he knew, he just did. Harry also told them he knew all about the prophesy and the danger it had put him in, again he told them he did not know how he knew, he just knew. Dumbledore had always kept vital information and things from Harry before so Harry was not too bothered by turning the tables on the old teacher and keeping him in the dark.

Albus Dumbledore became convinced that Harry's knowledge was the power the dark lord knew not, and Harry was content to let him think that way, it was so much easier than trying to explain the truth. When Harry told Dumbledore that there were even more Horcrux's and where they were to be found, all but two of them that is, the adults looked at him as though he were quite mad.

"You can help me to collect them so that I can destroy them or you can help me by not trying to stop me," Harry told them as he ended his story.

Albus Dumbledore had been working on this theory since the reappearance of Voldemort when he had possessed the young professor Quirrell, but he had had no proof for his theory until Harry verified it with the finding and destruction of the locket, now he immediately began to make plans for the members of Order of the Phoenix who knew what they were to collect the vile articles so that Harry, the 'chosen one' could do what he was destined to do and rid them of Voldemort for good.

As Dumbledore left the Burrow with Sirius, Harry watched his wife Hermione and their now best friend Ginny Weasley as they laughed and giggled over by the oven, something they were cooking, or trying to cook, must have gone wrong. Harry smiled to himself at the now two best friends, the two girls in his life that made it all worth everything he had been through, and would have to go through again.

Ginny had been Harry's only girl friend in his previous life and as he watched the two girls enjoying themselves doing girly things he had never seen either of them do in that former existence he felt a deep sense of remorse for what he must have put Hermione through, she had loved him then just as she did now, but then he had never realised how she felt about him, and he had even gone as far as asking her advice on how to ask other girls for a date.

The first person he had gone to when the dates had been a miserable failure was Hermione. She was always the one he had turned to, she had been the one he told when he had fancied Ginny because of her long red hair. He had treated the one person who actually loved him unconditionally in an unknowingly cruel way. He had even spent a few weeks as Ginny's boyfriend quite happily kissing Ginny in front of Hermione, the pain that must have caused her made him flinch when he thought about it. This time he would get things right, this time he would devote his entire life to keeping Hermione as safe and happy as he could, he vowed to him self.

Once they had returned to Hogwarts Harry realised that keeping his vow to keep her safe was not going to be as easy as he had hoped. The day that Remus Lupin had brought them Hufflepuffs cup Hermione had refused point blank to leave Harry to deal with the Horcrux alone. She had stood by his side as he cleaved the cup in two with Gryffindor's magical sword, shielding him from a blast of dark magic.

Harry's main problem with his vow was that he had to rid the world of an evil murderous wizard, and Hermione knew that there were two of the Horcrux remaining, two that for some reason Harry had not told about. His wife being a loyal, brave, and determined person would not allow him to do the task alone. That was the reason he found himself in a small hidden valley outside the school grounds, on the first Saturday back at Hogwarts teaching Hermione how to disapparate.

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