Chapter 26: Hermione and the Dursleys

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Once Mrs Weasleys welcome consisting of bone crushing hugs was over there was a short celebration held in the now crowded Burrow kitchen, each of those there had taken a shower to rid them of the dirt and smell of the battle that had taken place. Harry was given the privilege of taking the first shower followed by Hermione. Every one else took their turn and returned to the kitchen refreshed and ready to celebrate.

Harry found it a little odd as they all expressed their joy at the demise of Voldemort, and even though they had said they were going to celebrate quite a few of them just up and left, huge smiles were on all their faces. At eight-o-clock the following morning Harry along with Hermione and Dumbledore left the Burrow by portkey and arrived outside the main doors of Hogwarts School, to his surprise there was a huge party going on right there on the lawns in front of the school, it looked to him like it had been an all night party held by both locals and students and no doubt a few of the students family members.

As Harry was about to take hold of Hermione's hand, he was stopped by a rush of people who hoisted him up on to their shoulders and began to cheer for him, he as usual felt a little embarrassed by all the attention and wanted nothing more than to slip off home with his wife and relax.

It was nearly an hour before he and Hermione managed to escape what appeared to be the entire population of Hogsmeade, all of them wanting to shake his hand. Madam Rosemerta was dishing out butterbeer as though it was simple drinking water. Elves rushed around serving sandwiches to any one who wanted one. Harry managed to catch hold of Hermione's hand and holding her by her waist he began to dance, using the dance as a cover Harry's feet led them gradually toward their home where they very quickly retreated into the invisible building.

Just five very short minutes later Harry was wishing he was back outside with the party, he had forgotten that Hermione had been mad at him for some reason. Hermione however had not forgotten, and the moment they entered the living room Harry was being yelled at by both his wife and his mother for getting himself killed. The fact that he was alive and standing there listening to them should prove that he was okay he thought, but that argument seemed to hold no sway with Hermione who was now crying, as she yelled about how he had broken her heart, and scared her half to death.

"It wasn't me love, it was that damn Voldemort," Harry said trying to get the two women to calm down, "there was no way I could have let that killing curse hit you."

Hermione stopped her tirade when he mentioned the curse he had jumped in front of and started to smother him in kisses, 'she was so scared she forgot about how it happened' he thought as his mother too stopped telling him off.

"Harry how did you do it… you know come back from being dead?" she asked as she leant her head against his shoulder.

"Well actually love, I'm not too sure, though I do have a theory, still I'll tell you what I think then you can work out if I got it right, first when Voldemort first tried to kill me I think he left part of his soul, 'like a horcrux but one he never knew about' any way that part of his soul connected it self to my soul, you could say it was feeding off me, anyway this time when he killed me, in stead of my own soul leaving me, I think it sort of got pushed to the side sort of, anyway that left the piece of Voldemort wide open and I think it was that that died, or was driven out to go where ever the rest of his evil soul has gone, do you know what I mean, well as soon as that happened my own soul popped back from where ever it had been hiding and I woke up as though nothing had happened. Well that's my theory. So what do you think?" Harry took a deep breath and waited to see what she had to say.

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