Chapter 20: Rings, Roses and An Owl

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When he woke up from his potion induced sleep Severus Snape was sent to St Mungo's suffering from potions abuse, on his return to Hogwarts he found that he was suspended while the Govenors had a report made out on his abilities as a teacher, their enquiries so far did not bode well for the greasy haired Slytherin head of house.

Saturday morning in the middle of the term found Harry walking toward Gringotts bank accompanied once again by Rubeus Hagrid. It had taken Harry the whole week to convince Dumbledore to allow him out of the school to do something of what he considered immense importance, for some reason the headmaster had not agreed with Harry, and had repeated over and over that shopping was not important at all. It had only been due to Harry's perseverance and Dumbledore's fear that Harry might find a way to leave the school unaccompanied that had finally swayed him and he had allowed Harry to accompany Hagrid on a visit to Diagon Alley.

Entering Gringotts Hagrid lead the way to the nearest free Goblin "Harry Potter wishes ter widraw sum munee," boomed the half giants voice in the vast room echoing around the walls causing several people to turn and look at them.

"Harry Potter Hmm, one moment please," the Goblin said climbing down from his chair "this wont take long," he said as he walked away.

Two minutes later the Goblin returned accompanied by an older slightly grey skinned Goblin. "Mr Potter, if you would follow me please," the older Goblin said turning and walking briskly away.

Hagrid gave Harry a quick nod "I'll wait here."

"I'd rather have you with me Hagrid," Harry said quietly.

Harry and Hagrid followed the Goblin into a rather large office behind the main counter where the Goblin offered Harry a chair before taking the seat behind a large wooden desk.

"It has come to our attention that you Mr Potter recently got married," the Goblin muttered as he rifled through some files and parchments.

Harry nodded "Yes, I was married just over a year ago, and… oh heck!"

"Is there some thing wrong Mr Potter?" the Goblin asked looking up from the parchment he was unrolling.

"I forgot our anniversary," Harry answered turning a little red at this admission.

"Yes well let us not linger on that, I have here the last wills of both your father and grandfather. Your marriage invokes a clause in both your fathers and your grandfathers will's entitling you to your full inheritance. The entire Potter, and Gryffindor family fortunes, including all Gryffindor, and Potter properties and holdings. So if you could just sign here and here on the parchment I will arrange for you to be taken to the Potter family vault," the Goblin said pushing the parchment toward Harry.

"I never…" Harry trailed off, he was about to say he had never heard about the Potter family vault in his last life, he had only known about the fortune left by his father. He realised then that it was because he had never married in his past life. Having stopped himself before he said too much Harry read then signed the parchment as requested and passed it back to the Goblin.

Ten minutes later Harry stood staring at the most gold he had ever seen, the family vault was huge, piles and piles of gold filled most of the large vault, along side the gold there were trunks full with parchments and books, boxes of precious stones gold and silver jewellery lay at the base of the gold piles. Just to the right of the door a large ornate podium stood, an elaborately engraved glass dome stood on top of it, underneath the glass sat a golden key and two wedding rings all adorned with the Gryffindor crest, beneath them a short note actually addressed to Harry glowed in a blue light as he approached the podium.

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