Chapter 19: Snape, Pranks and Potions

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Albus Dumbledore paced his office, he was so angry he felt he almost had steam coming from his ears, forty-five minutes ago he had sent for professor Snape and he had not arrived yet. 'NEVER in all my time as headmaster has anyone kept me waiting so long, I've a mind to fire him, how DARE he keep me waiting so long' he thought as he turned once again on the spot near to the window.

Meanwhile down in the corridor well hidden from view and across the corridor from the gargoyle that stood guard over the entrance to the heads office, three boys, one with jet black hair, and two with fiery red hair, were crushed together under an invisibility cloak. They were laughing so hard they had tears running down their cheeks and pains in their ribs, their laughter was totally silent due to the silencing charm Harry had placed over them when Snape had arrived.

Professor Severus Snape stamped his feet and waved his wand about and yelled at the stairway like a petulant child in frustration, he was trapped on the moving spiral stair case that led to the head masters study, if he tried to go up, the stairs would go down, if he tried to go down, the stairs would go up, if he changed his speed so did the moving staircase, with sweat dripping from almost every pore Severus was almost in tears, he wasn't sure if they were tears of anger or of frustration or both, for forty minutes he had been stuck half way up, or was he half way down, he was so flustered by it all he could no longer remember.

Finally when Harry could take no more laughter he cancelled the spell that had trapped the potions teacher for so long, 'Explain that to Dumbledore' he thought as Snape was suddenly able to make some progress, gingerly at first Severus stepped on to the next step up, then the next as the stairs slowly took him upward.

Harry tapped the Weasley twins on their shoulder and with a nod of his head he indicated it was time to go back to the common room. Two corridors away Harry removed the cloak and the silencing charm from himself and the twins. "I wish Hermione and Ginny, could have been here to see that," he said between fits of laughter.

"Did you see the tantrum he had, I remember Ginny doing some thing like that when she was five and mum wouldn't let her have a go on a new broom," Fred gasped out holding his ribs.

"All that sweating he was doing, I wonder if he will risk taking a shower, or do you think he might be scared of getting his hair wet?" George asked, he hadn't laughed so hard for a long time.

Harry had just entered the common room when Hermione locked eyes with him, for some reason she had tear stains on her cheeks, cheeks that were bright red, panicking slightly he rushed forward and took her into his arms. "What's the matter love, have you been crying, has some one upset you?" he asked as he wrapped his arms tighter around her.

"No Harry, I'm I a little embarrassed but that's because I kept laughing out loud and nobody knew why," she replied touched by his concern.

"Ok what was making you laugh so much you have tear streaks?" Harry asked thinking he might already know.

"Remember when we first got together and I said if I concentrated I could see through your eyes, well the oddest thing happened. I was reading my charms book when suddenly I could see Snape trapped on the spiral stairs, I could feel you laughing and it was so funny I burst out laughing. I couldn't stop until you stopped, every one here thinks I've gone crazy. Ginny said she was going to fetch Madam Pomfrey," she explained

"Whoa, that must have felt weird," Harry exclaimed wondering if he would be able to see through Hermione's eyes.

"I think the bond is getting stronger," Hermione said getting serious "I could even smell the twins."

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