Chapter 25: Portraits and Graveyards

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Sirius Black, comic, prankster, and generally happy go lucky chap, stood staring at the portrait of Lily and his best friend James, tears of mingled sorrow and joy ran down his cheeks as he tried to find some words to apologise to them for letting them down. Harry realised that Sirius was still blaming himself for the fate of his parents. He had no idea how to help his godfather come to terms with what had happened other than to reassure Sirius that Peter Pettigrew was the true culprit.

It was Lily who broke the silence "Hello Sirius," she said a pleasant smile on her face.

"Hello Lily love," Sirius managed between sniffs "and you Prongs old friend."

James in turn was staring out of the portrait at Harry, there was a rather long silent pause before anyone else spoke, then Harry swallowed and walking toward the portrait he too shed some tears.

"Hello mum, dad,"

"H-H-Harry?" James stuttered as Harry approached.

"Yes dad, it's me, Harry, you have no idea how good it is to be able to hear you speak," Harry said as he gently reached out to touch the portrait.

Lily reached down with her hand touching the spot where Harry's hand rested on the canvas "Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry if we were not there for you," she said seconds before she too was crying.

Hermione joined the two men in the living room as soon as she had put away her shopping; Sirius was just telling James and Lily about some of their son's life up to that point, when she walked into the room.

James looking at something over Harry's shoulder alerted them that she had arrived. Harry turned around 'Hi sweetheart come say hi to my mum and dad' Harry said to her as she held out her hand to him.

"This is my wife Hermione, she's the most beautiful and brilliant witch alive," Harry said to his parents.

"He's right you know, she really is the cleverest person I ever met, and she is an extremely powerful witch to boot," Godric said joining in the conversation from his own portrait.

Hermione blushed a bright red "Hello Mr, Mrs Potter," she said rather quietly.

"So you are my little boy's soul-mate," Lily said smiling at the younger witch.

"Harry my boy, you must take after me because you sure picked a very pretty young woman," James said with a small laugh "I would agree with you about the most beautiful but," he broke off and looked at Lily and nodded before laughing quietly once again.

"James Potter, don't talk about your daughter in law as if she's not here," Lily scolded, "sorry about that Hermione but, well he's a man, you know what they are like."

"Yes Mrs Potter, I know," Hermione said looking at Harry and chuckling.

James tutted "Now, now my girl," he said as he clasped his robe collar in both hands and reminded Hermione of a lawyer "you can't go calling us Mr and Mrs Potter, it just doesn't seem right."

"Sorry, would dad and mum be ok?" Hermione said blushing again.

"Ah now that's much better," James said puffing out his chest.

Harry drew up three chairs and then the six people, three living and three portraits sat talking until way past dinner time. The older Potters were brought up to date on all that had happened in their son's life, Hermione had insisted on telling about how Harry had been treated by the Dursleys and how Dumbledore had known about it but had done nothing. Sirius and Hermione left Harry talking to his parents at around ten that evening to go to their beds.

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