Chapter 28: End of the Dursleys

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Watched by Hermione Harry slowly opened the letter from Gringotts; he could not help but wonder why they had sent him a letter addressed to Lord Potter.

'Lord Potter, Earl of Gryffindor, Keeper of the Sword, Master of Hogwarts

Dear Sir,

Due to the sad demise of Mr Grabble it is with a matter of some urgency that I ask you attend a meeting with Mr Erick, head of vault keepers at your soonest convenience.

Mr Alrick, head of Wizard Affairs.

Gringotts Bank, Diagon Alley, London.'

Harry read the letter and then passed it to Hermione, "So what do you think?" he asked as she looked up at him.

"I don't know, who is this Mr Grabble, do you know?" Hermione asked looking as puzzled as Harry had looked.

"No Idea, never heard of him, wonder why it's addressed to Lord Potter, you don't suppose I could be a lord?" Harry said examining the envelope.

"Well I suppose you had better send them an owl, your Lordship," Hermione said chuckling at the look on Harry's face.

"Yeah, I suppose, we could go there tomorrow afternoon if Dobby is free. So how should I answer, I Harry Potter, Lord of the cupboard under the stairs do hereby grant you an audience tomorrow afternoon at three-o-clock," Harry said laughing.

Hermione with a huge grin on her face gently slapped Harry on the shoulder before rolling her eyes at him, she then walked over to the writing desk and wrote a reply to Gringotts informing them that Harry and his wife would be visiting the bank around three-o-clock the next day and if it was convenient they could meet with Mr Erick at that time, two minutes later her owl Godric left the house on his way to the wizarding bank.

At one the next afternoon Harry and Hermione walked hand in hand around Diagon Alley, casually they did some window shopping, reaching Madam Malkin's shop Hermione stopped to admire some wedding robes.

"Do you regret not having a proper wedding?" Harry asked as he watched her smiling at something.

Hermione looked thoughtful for a while before she answered, "No, not really, I mean all this, you and me being married was like a game, just some fun to begin with, like a fairy tale or something, but that has all changed. I mean we were so young. I didn't even know you, now I do know you, and I have fallen in love with you. I mean proper love, real ever lasting love, so no I don't regret anything at all, I have a wonderful husband I love with all my heart, we have a beautiful home and some great friends, all we need now are some children and…"

Harry interrupted "I think we are still a little young for children, though I do want a big family one day."

"Harry, I didn't mean we should have children now, we have to finish school, find a career that sort of thing before we have a family," Hermione said blushing.

Harry smiled, he was happy just to know that Hermione had fallen in love with him, "Well Mrs Potter just so you know, I love you more than life it self."

At three that afternoon Harry and Hermione entered the banks foyer where they were met by one of the Goblin guards, with a slight bow the guard asked them to follow him, he then led the way through the bank into the offices, having been ushered into a rather plush office, filled with the finest office furniture either of them had seen, the two young Potters took a seat and waited for Mr Erick.

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