Chapter 12: The Short Stay at Grimmauld Place

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Harry and Hermione met Sirius on the door step of number twelve Grimmauld place, Mr Weasley wished the two Potters a merry Christmas before leaving them with Sirius for the rest of the holiday. It was Hermione's first visit to the dark old house, and she did not like what she felt when she walked into the hall. To her it felt like the house actually hated her, she could not understand the way she felt, and it did not help when they met Kreacher, she took an instant dislike to the ugly old elf who insisted on calling her a filthy mudblood.

Hermione became so frightened of something that was in the house that she would not let go of Harry even when she was desperate to use the toilet; she felt certain that if she let him go, then what ever it was that was in the house would take him away from her for ever. She was unable to eat or to relax anywhere they sat in the kitchen, and she had no idea why. She had never felt so scared in her life before. She felt that she had to get Harry away from the house to some place safe, and no matter what Harry said she just could not rid herself of the feeling.

Only four hours after their arrival at Grimmauld place Harry sat in the kitchen and told Sirius about Hermione's feeling and that as much as he himself wanted to stay with his godfather, he would have to leave because he was taking Hermione back to the Burrow. "Something about the house is terrifying Hermione and we need to leave," Harry told Sirius.

"Harry I don't know what it is, but I've also felt that there is something wrong here, I thought it was just me what with spending all that time in Azkaban thanks to wormtail, but if Hermione can feel it too then I agree you should definitely take her back to the Burrow and stay there until I find what it is causing this," Sirius said agreeing with his godson.

It was as Sirius spoke that Harry remembered the Horcrux locket containing a piece of Voldemort's soul. It was somewhere in this house, and it could well be that with her greater magical power Hermione was feeling the evil from it. Maybe she had sensed the malevolence of Voldemort, he wasn't sure but it seemed to be the only explanation he could come up with.

"Sirius while I take Hermione to the Burrow, there is something you need to find; somewhere in the house there is a locket, a rather heavy gold or silver locket. It may have a snake design on it, it can't be opened in a normal way, you need to find it and get it to Dumbledore as quick as you can. You must let me know as soon as Dumbledore has it," Harry told his guardian "I have to destroy it."

Sirius looked at Harry and knew he was being serious, "Why do you think you have to destroy it, what is it that can't be dealt with by Dumbledore or my self?" Sirius wanted to know.

"Sirius as my godfather and best friend of my dad, I'm going to trust you with a secret, a secret that you must never divulge unless I or Hermione ask you too," Harry said with a grave voice that belied his appearance.

Sirius sat up straighter in his chair as he looked at Harry, "Come with us," Harry told Sirius as he and Hermione got up and walked to the entrance hall.

Once in the entrance hall Harry stood in front of the offensive portrait of Sirius's mother,

"How many people have tried to remove this painting?" he asked Sirius.

"Just about everyone, including Dumbledore," Sirius answered wondering how Harry knew about the picture.

'Hermione love, there is a vile piece of dark magic contained in a picture behind this curtain, it needs to be removed and I want you to do it. I want you to get rid of it without using your wand or your hands, I want you to get rid of it by just thinking about it, just like we have been practicing' Harry thought to her just before he opened the curtain.

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