Chapter 2: The Sorting

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Hermione sat on the stool and the hat was placed on her head, dropping well past her eyes.

'Ah what have we here, intelligent, highly intelligent, brave too, I think Ravenclaw maybe, yes Rav…'

The hat stopped as Hermione thought 'Oh no you don't, I want to go into Gryffindor no arguments please'

'But I always decide, the intelligent ones go in Ravenclaw' the hat complained

'Well if I'm intelligent, then obviously I know what I'm on about, now if you don't mind can we get on with putting me in Gryffindor thank you' Hermione thought giving the hat no alternative.

'Bossy as well, alright, "Gryffindor." The hat announced

Hermione triumphantly marched to the Gryffindor table and waited for Harry, 'He's rather clever is Harry, and he's my boyfriend' she thought as she sat down.

When Neville's turn came he was nervous but insistent when the hat wanted to put him in Hufflepuff. He joined Hermione at the Gryffindor table, "Knows his stuff does our Harry," he said to her as they waited for Harry's turn.

When the hat was set on Harry's head, it never even got time to speak, 'As the sole heir to Gryffindor you will place me in Gryffindor' Harry thought as soon as the hat touched him.

'What ever is happening this year, students coming here demanding things'

'Well if you want to spend half an hour sorting out my ancestry, I don't mind sitting here, but I assure you I am the heir to the great Gryffindor, it's up to you' Harry thought amused at the idea of the hat taking so long to sort him.

"Gryffindor." The hat yelled out 'oh would you let the castle know I'm here' Harry thought just before the hat was removed. "She knows," the now unhappy hat grumbled.

Harry strode over to the Gryffindor table, where Hermione was waiting, as he reached her, she in her enthusiasm jumped up and placed what was meant to be a quick little kiss on his lips. An amazing thing happened when her lips met his. First their lips stuck as if glued, then a blue white light began to grow around them, getting brighter and stronger by the second.

"Wahs appin arry" Hermione asked trying to talk while her lips were glued to his

"Ont nooo" he replied just as confused as she was. He had thought it would take him weeks maybe even months perhaps near to two years before he kissed Hermione, and here she was glued to his face in the first hour at school.

There was a sudden flash of gold light and everyone in the great hall was knocked from their seats, Harry still stuck to Hermione decided the kiss needed to be a proper one and to enjoy the moment so he kissed her properly, when he did their lips became free but they continued the kiss for a short while. While the light around them seemed to melt away, people began to pick themselves up from the floor and dust themselves off before sitting back in their places looking confused about what had happened.

"Harry, I don't think you two should kiss indoors if that's what happens." Neville chuckled.

Hermione stood a glazed look in her eyes; "Wow!" was all she managed to say.

Harry figured they had just become a bonded couple, they were by all accounts now married. He had never expected anything like this though, he could feel Hermione. He felt her emotions, felt her thoughts, her magic, and he knew they shared everything. He knew she would share his magic, his magic that was more powerful than Merlins, more powerful than any wizard had ever known before.

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