Chapter 4: I want nothing to do with her

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Location: Noceda Household/Time 12:01pm

Luz jumped out of the shower and changed into a maroon color anime T-Shirt, black jeans, blue flannel, red beanie, with a pair of black converse.

Luz shook her head from side to side getting the access water off. Running a hand through her hair. Gathering her things she would need today. Luz made her way downstairs.

Luz was hit with the scent of pancakes when she got at the bottom of the stairs. She followed the scent that led her into the kitchen. She took a seat at one of the empty chairs at the table.

Eda heard luz coming down the stairs. Which made her smile, After a couple of weeks ago. She got luz to smile and act more of the luz she knows.

Eda placed a stack of pancakes in front of Luz. Eda chuckled at the sight of Luz drooling over a stack of pancakes. "Hey, Eda can I change the music?" Luz asked hoping Eda would say yes.

"Sure! Kid, Go right ahead." Eda said pouring some apple juice in two glasses. Luz pumped a fist in the air and got up from her seat. She ran over to the speaker, and one of eda's old phones.

Luz changed the music to Kid Rock. Luz and her mother always used to listen to Kid Rock when she was young. When Eda came into Luz's life, It wasn't soon after she introduced Eda to Kid Rock.

Luz sat back down and started chowing down on her pancakes. Eda started eating after Luz did. Luz and Eda would talk, sing some of their favorite songs, laugh, just having a good time together.

Once they were done eating, Luz helped eda with the dishes. Often splashing eachother with the water. "So, What are you doing later today?" Eda asks Luz who was washing a bowl. Luz hums, thinking what she's going to do later.

"To be honest Eda, I don't know." Luz simply said wiping her hands dry on a dish rag. Luz handing the rag to eda after she was done using it. "Well, Do you want to go hangout outside or...Inside?" Eda asks Luz, thinking of things Luz could do.

Luz placed her hands on her hips "Well, I could go to my favori..." Luz trails off, eye's wide. She quickly dashed over to the speakers and eda's old phone to turn off the one song that she can't listen to without breaking down.

The one song that Luz can't listen to without breaking down is Picture by Kid Rock. It reminds Luz to much of that day.

Luz turns around, sucking in a shaky breath. Luz closes her eyes trying not to remember the day that broke her heart. "You know kid...Maby you should try and talk with her and ask her why she did what she did?" Eda asks calmly.

Eda takes a step towards Luz. Luz grips her head, mumbling things under breath. "NO! I don't want anything to do with her!" Luz runs out of the kitchen, out of the house.

Eda watches Luz run. "Luz! Wait!" Eda yells running after the latina but stops when she gets on the porch. The gray haired lady sighs looking around.

But, It only found that she has lost Luz. Eda probably knew where the Latina was. There was a couple of places Luz always goes. Inwhich eda knew where those places were.

Eda goes back into the house to grab her keys. She gets in her car and drives out of the garage, on the hunt to find her latina daughter.

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