Chapter 13: Be Safe Ames..

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Location: Outside/Time 12:40pm

"Basterda". Luz whispered in spanish while walking away from the school with an upset blight keeping with her pace.

Luz took Amity's hand, rubbing soft circles on her knuckles, remembering it always work when Amity got work up about something.

"In for 4, hold 7, out 5" Luz repeated over and over to Amity. Luz made a breathing tactic for Amity when she was upset. Amity could do horrible things whenever she's upset.

Amity slowly started calming down. She was still shaking rapidly. Amity looked over at Luz who was listening to music that was playing from her phone. Amity smiled at Luz, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

Amity looked at the trees as they walked. Amity couldn't help but smile, She missed times like these. Amity heard the song end, a couple seconds later, a new song starting. Luz pumped a fist in the air when the song started. Amity chuckled at luz's little action.

"Thanks..for what you did back there.." Amity muttered. Luz nodded her head, "Mhmm." Luz really didn't know what to say. She was lost, She wanted to be nice to Amity, but at the same time she was still mad at her.

The one thing that Amity doesn't know. Is how bad she broke Luz. The one thing that Luz doesn't know is how bad Amity broke when she did what she did. Both girls grew up kinda the same. They were happy at some part of their lives, until the earth crashed down on them.

For Luz, it was when her mother, Camila died. Luz wasn't the same after her death. Luz was only 11. She was in 2 homes in 2 days. Then she went to stay with her dad, who came out of nowhere, for 3 days before one of the nurses who worked with camila found a note.

If anything happens to me. I want my daughter Luz Trinity Noceda, to go live with my good friend. Edalyn Clawthorne. I know that Edalyn will take great care of my Luz. She will be a great mother towards my light. I do NOT want Luz anywhere near Adrien 'Noceda'. That is her father. Whoever reads this letter please tell my Luz, I love her and always will. I will always be right by her. If you go to my draw by my desk, the 3rd one down, and unlock it. You will find a stuffie of a otter. Give this to Luz and tell her it's from me. She can name whatever she wants.

Please tell Edalyn Clawthorne, I'm sorry for that day. She'll understand what you'll saying.
Tell her that I love her...

Camila Noceda♡

For Amity, It was after she turned 8. Her mother Odalia changed. Odalia used to be so nice, then she changed an became mean. Odalia became her mother, Someone perfect. Amity was forced to do everything, including her siblings. Once Ed an Em became older. They had more free roam. Verses Amity she didn't.

She would never have any free roam. As long as she was a blight. Amity became empty when her cousin Addy died. Amity and Addy were every close. Hung out all the time.

Luz and Amity were really close to Jack's. Where Luz would dropp Amity off at where She'd meet her siblings Ed an Em. "Y'know you should really cut ties with Brad. He no good, Trust me. He's brother's with Zander West." Luz said adding venom at Zander's name.

Amity shuddered at name of Zander. She knew him, to good. Amity haven't seen him for probably good 3 years. Amity's happy about that too. Amity looked down at the ground "It's not that easy Luz..." Amity said sadly. Luz chuckled "Oh, I know, trust me. You got yourself in a pickle..Not even a pickle..I should say 'in the ground'." Luz said.

Luz and Amity walked up to Jack's. Amity sitting one of the benches. Luz looked at Amity before turning away.

"Be safe..Ames.."

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