Chapter 15: You Remember That Song?

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Location: In the city/Town/ Time: 11:00pm.

Kaleb is 20 years old, A little taller then Hunter. Kaleb has long, short black hair. Same skin color as Luz. Half Hispanic, Ocean Blue eyes. Both ears pieced, side nose ring. Wearing necklaces and bracelets.

"That sounds like so much funnn." Luz whined sliding her hands down her face, pulling at the skin abit. Kaleb chuckled under his hand. "I'll have to bring you out to my old man's house again sometime." Kaleb replied slinging his arm over Luz's shoulders, pulling her into a side hug.

Luz looked up at Kaleb's face, seeing the big smile he had on his face. Luz smiled, happy that her bestfriend was back. "Where do you think Hunter would be at?" Kaleb asked. Luz hummed, thinking where her trouble making older brother is. "He's probably in he's room playing cod with Ed." Luz replied.

"So the boys are still as close as they were after I left." Kaleb said jumping over a small twig that was in the middle of the sidewalk. Luz picked up a pebble that was on the sidewalk. "Yep, I swear you can say they're dating. Of how close they are." Luz said chucking the pebble.

Kaleb chuckled, at Luz. He looked up at Luz's hair. Stopping, to play with it. Luz laughed at his action. "The dye is faded badly." Kaleb said, Luz glazed down at the sidewalk, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Yea, It's been a good year since I last dye it." Luz replied. Kaleb was playing with Luz's curls, getting his fingers tangled. "Remember when I cut and dyed the tips of your pixie cut?" Luz smirked remembering that day. "Yeah that day when James wouldn't leave me alone."

"Ya but, I stood up to him and protected you." Kaleb said, kissing Luz's forehead. "We better get going to your house." Luz nodded continuing the walk to her house.

Luz opened the front door, Immediately sent with the sound of Hunter game raging. Luz walked in the house with Kaleb following behind her. Eda perked up at the sound of the door. Walking to the door she was met with Luz and Kaleb. Luz simply gestured upstairs where you can hear Hunter yelling and cursing like crazy.

Eda gave both of them a annoying face. "He's been like that for the pass 2 hours." Eda said annoyed. Luz inhaled deeply, both Eda and Kaleb taking a step back knowing what's bout to go down. "HUNTER MICHAEL NOCEDA!! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE DOWN" Luz yelled to the top of her lungs. There was complete silence upstairs now.

Hunter walked down the stairs with a scared and annoyed look. He stopped when he was infront of Luz. Hunter crossed his arms, looking down. Luz started giving him a lecture that he knew by heart. Half way through the lecture he noticed Kaleb.


Hunter eyes with wide, He was in shock. Hunter spent no time thinking, he was ran to Kaleb imbracing him in a tight hug. Kaleb chuckled, returning the hug just as tight. Luz smiled at the scene in front of her.

You could say to people about this scene and they wouldn't believe you. Hunter really never shows that side of him, he's always tuff and mature. But, when it comes to Edric or Kaleb. He's no longer tuff and mature.

"I missed you so much man" Hunter smiled letting go of the hug. "Honestly..I could say the same to you too" Kaleb said softly. "You still taking good care of our lil sis?" Edric gave him a thumbs up in response.

Kaleb nodded his head with a smile. "I'll let you and Luz catch up. I know she missed you more than I did." Edric said walking in the kitchen. Eda gave a heart warming smile towards Kaleb before turning on her heel, heading in the kitchen.

Luz and Kaleb looked at eachother before running straight to the backyard to their old tree house. Once luz climbed up the ladder, she closed the door, sitting on the edge of the emergency steps.

Luz closed her eyes taking in the smells of the tree house. Luz heard some noises but ignored it. She opened her eyes when she heard Kaleb.


Kaleb sat down beside Luz, his feet dangling off the edge. Luz looked at the old guitar in his hands. Kaleb seemed to notice because he started playing it.

Kaleb started strumming the metal cords. His fingers holding each cord on and off on the neck of the guitar. Luz perked up when she remembered the beginning. She looked at Kaleb who looked back at her. "Sing it." he whispered.

Luz took a deep breath, remembering the words. "Often I'm upset that I can not fall inlove, but I guess It's the voice stressing falling out of it. Are you tired of me yet..? I'm a little sick right now. But, I swear when I'm ready. I'll fly us outta here." Luz stops singing, closing her eyes. Kaleb stays silent, and keeps strumming the cords.

Luz swallows and continues the song. "I'll cut my hair, to make you stare. I'll hide my chest..and figure out a way to gett us outta here." Luz stays silent waiting for the next part. She looks a Kaleb who noddes his head with a smile saying 'Everything's alright'

"Turn off your porcelain face, I can't really think right now in this place. Too many colors. Enough to drive all of us insane. Are you dead? Sometimes I think I'm dead. Cause I feel ghosts wrapping around my head." Luz tightly grips her knee.

"But, I don't want to fall asleep right now. My eyes went dark, I don't know where, My pupils are. But, I'll figure out a way to get us outta here. Luz whispers ths last part, just loud enough for Kaleb to hear.

Get a load of this monster, doesn't know how to communicate. Her mind in a different place. Will everyone please give her little bit of space. Get load of this train wreak." Kaleb sings while placing his hand ontop of luz's to calm her down.

"Her hairs a mess and she doesn't know who she is. But little do we know, that the stars welcome her in with open arms." Kaleb smiles

"Time...Is...slowly...tracing his face..but..strangely she feels at home in this place." Both Luz and Kaleb sing together slowly.

Luz opens her eyes when Kaleb's strumming dies, leaving only silence. Luz chuckles "You still remember that song?" Luz asks smiling. Kaleb noddes, lightly traces circles on Luz's hand.

"Of course..we made it together remember?"

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