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It was the middle of the night when Tengen heard whimpering coming from M/N's room......

Tengen was fast asleep with his wives sleeping beside him, but the soft whimpering of his son made him groggily wake up. As he was about to get off the bed, he felt someone grab ahold of his hand. Tengen looked back to see that it was Makio, who was half awake when she asked, "Do you really have to go?". "He's my son, I need to check up on him." Tengen told her, Makio's droopy eyes about to close as she muttered "He could just be having a bad dream....". Tengen sighed, getting up from the bed and saying, "I'm just going to make sure he's alright.". Makio tiredly nodded, going back to sleep as Tengen left the bedroom

Once he was standing in front of M/N's bedroom door, he heard the sound of slight coughing coming from inside. "M/N, you okay in there?" Tengen asked, slowly opening the door and entering the room. Tengen than saw that M/N was still laying on his bed, but he had a tight grip on his blanket and wheezed as he tried to breath. M/N looked over at Tengen, coughing again and covering his mouth with his arm. "Oh no...." Tengen mumbled, knowing what was happening with M/N,

He quickly went over to M/N, picking him up in his arms and softly cradling him as M/N put his hand over his tight chest. "Just slowly breath in and out...." Tengen whispered, M/N trying to do just that while his father held him close. This only made his chest hurt, M/N whining which caused Tengen to press a small kiss to his forehead. "Want to go outside?" Tengen asked, M/N nodding with tears forming in his eyes. Tengen softly smiled at him, exiting their home so that M/N could have some fresh air.

Tengen went to cherry blossom tree that was on a small hill and sat down under it, M/N still in his arms while he took his small hand in his and squeezed it tightly. "Shhh...Shhh, I'm here." Tengen whispered, M/N's breathing beginning to slow down. The tightness in his chest also began to go away, M/N cuddling into Tengen's chest as he wiped his tears away. Tengen slightly chuckled, placing his forehead on top of M/N's as he asked, "Feeling better?". M/N nodded, Tengen cupping his face and gently kissing him.

"Alright....let's get you to bed." Tengen told him, standing up and carrying him back to the house. As he softly hummed a melody to M/N in hopes that it will help make him fall asleep again, M/N started to play with a strand on his white hair and asked, "Can you sleep with me?". Tengen looked down at his son, seeing that M/N's big (E/C) eyes were staring straight into his own maroon ones. Tengen snorted, nodding and going into the bedroom.

After laying M/N back down on the bed, he laid beside him and made sure he was facing him. "You'll be okay.... right?" Tengen asked, wanting to make sure that M/N's asthma won't act up again when they were asleep. M/N slowly nodded, Tengen smiling and caressing his face while saying "Good....". "Just remember to slowly breath when you feel a tightness in your chest." Tengen said, M/N soon closing his eyes and falling asleep. Tengen chuckled, giving him one final kiss and falling asleep beside him.


"Daddy....what do you think heaven is like?" M/N asked, sitting beside Tengen while he drew on the dirt circles with a wooden stick. Tengen looked at him with wide eyes, having not expected someone his age to ask that. M/N was just 5 years old, so he shouldn't be worrying about stuff like that. As M/N continued to draw on the dirt, Tengen asked him "Why do you want to know?".

M/N went silent, pulling his knees close to his chest and putting his stick down. Tengen sighed, rubbing M/N's back as he thought about his answer. "Well, I think it's a wonderful place as nobody can hurt you anymore when you go." Tengen said, a small smile creeping onto his face. "So....nothing will hurt anymore when I go?" M/N asked, Tengen turning his attention to the ground while muttering "Yeah....". "But promise me you won't go until far in the future." Tengen said, putting his hands on M/N's shoulders with a serious expression on his face.

M/N looked down and twiddle his fingers, Tengen telling him "I don't want you to go early...not when there's still so much that I still have to do with you.". M/N wrapped his arms around Tengen's neck, hugging him tightly which made Tengen hug him back. "I promise..." M/N said, Tengen smiling and hugging him tighter.

"I love you...."

𝙎𝙏𝙍𝘼𝙒𝘽𝙀𝙍𝙍𝙔 𝙁𝙄𝙀𝙇𝘿𝙎 𝙁𝙊𝙍𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙍 | T. Uzui x Male Child ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now