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"Lord Tengen!" Makio called out, her, Hinatsuru, and Suma going over to their husband to make sure he was alright. Tengen didn't bother to look up at them, an emotionless expression on his face as he moved some of M/N's (H/C) hair away from his face.  As the three wives reached Tengen, Suma was the first to notice M/N in his arms and gasped in shock. "M/N!" Suma said, falling to her knees while Hinatsuru and Makio widened their eyes. "M/N! Are you-" Suma stopped when she touched M/N's cheek, feeling that his skin was ice cold. It was then that Suma saw that M/N's chest wasn't moving up and down, Suma looking at Tengen for him to explain what happened to M/N.

Tengen was silent for a moment, before turning his attention to his wives with tears falling down his face. "I'm sorry....." Tengen let out, Suma covering her mouth and beginning to cry. "No.....NO!" Suma cried out, sobbing as Hinatsuru and Makio had their own tears fall. Tengen hugged M/N, muttering under his breath "I love you....so goddamn much". Tengen sadly smiled, cradling the corpse of M/N and whispering "Please...rest easy.". Tengen then stood up, holding M/N's lifeless body bridal style. Suma, Hinatsuru, and Makio stood up themselves, Tengen telling them "C'mon.....we need to bring him back home.".

As Tengen began to walk away with his wives following behind, Tengen's eyes were only on M/N. He never realized just how peaceful M/N looked....it almost was if he was sleeping. Tanjiro, who had awaken, found Tengen and went over to him, But stopped in his tracks when he saw the state M/N was in. Tanjiro felt tears form in his eyes, Tengen walking past him and not saying a word. "....I'm sorry." Tanjiro whispered, the only thing he could say in this situation. Tengen paused for a moment, chuckling and said to Tanjiro "Don't be......you're the last person to apologize to me.". Tanjiro watched as Tengen continued walking away, Tengen smiling a bit as he left with his wives with a heavy heart.


Tengen retired from being a hashira shortly after......

He couldn't continue now that one of the lights of of his life was gone, the pain of knowing he was gone being too much to bare for him. Tengen still worked with the demon slayer corps, but in the sidelines as an aid. Kagaya understood the pain Tengen was going through, letting him retire so that he could take his time to grieve. The time Tengen spent mourning his son was by mainly visiting the places they always went to, usually sitting In silence with the wind being his only company.

Tengen hoped M/N was happy in the afterlife, and that he was waiting for him to get there himself so that the two could be together again. Until then, M/N was probably with Tengen's siblings, hearing the stories of his father from when he was young by them and telling his ow stories of him to them as well. Currently, Tengen was looking up at the stars that were in the night sky while laying on top of a hill. When M/N was younger, he would always admire the stars and call out the constellations that he found to his father. Tengen still imagined M/N next to him, pointing up at the sky and saying to him "Dad! It's the Andromeda constellation!" With a big smile on his face.

Tengen was soon about about to drift off to sleep, his eyes  closing and his vision turning black as he entered dreamland......

"Dad!" A voice exclaimed, Tengen finding himself standing in a field. In front of him was M/N, who was smiling and extending his arms out to Tengen so that he could be picked up. Tengen realized this, tears beginning to form in his eyes as he slowly walked to M/N and knelt down to be eye level with him. "M/N...." Tengen choked back a sob, cupping his son's face and quickly embracing him. Tengen started to cry, M/N hugging him back while still having the smile on his face. "Oh M/N......I missed you so much." Tengen whispered, M/N giggling and pressing on kiss on his cheek. As Tengen released M/N, M/N asked "Why do you miss me?".

"Because...You're no longer with me." "No I'm not! I'm still here!" Tengen widened his eyes, asking M/N "What do you mean?". M/N pointed to the place in Tengen's chest where his heart was at, happily saying "I'm in there!". Tengen blushed for a moment, M/N putting his forehead on Tengen's and telling him "You have to go now....".

"but why? Can't I stay here with you forever?!" M/N grabbed ahold of his hands, putting something in it and said "I'm afraid you can't....". "But....you can still visit." Tengen pressed a kiss to M/N, M/N wrapping his arms around his neck and hugging him. Tengen hugged him back, hoping that he could stay like this with M/N for a long time. As the released each other, M/N started to run to where a group of people around Tengen's age were, M/N waving goodbye to him and exclaiming "Bye dad!".

Tengen soon realized who the people with M/N were, smiling due to recognizing them as his siblings. Tengen's siblings started to wave goodbye to him too, Tengen chuckling and waving goodbye back to them. "Bye....." Tengen whispered, watching M/N walk into the sunset together with his siblings, smiling his innocent smile that Tengen loved to always see.

Tengen woke up, sitting up and looking around to see that he was back on the hill. It was now morning, the sun slowly rising up into the sky as Tengen sighed and frowned a bit. "A dream, huh?" Tengen muttered, quickly feeling something clutched in his hand. Tengen opened his hand and see what he was holding, gasping when he saw the origami crane M/N gave him. Soon, Tengen sadly smiled, whispering "So you really are still here" as he gripped on the origami crane. "Lord Tengen! There you are!" Hinatsuru called out, Tengen looking back to see his wives waiting for him. "Are you okay? You didn't come home last night?" Makio asked, Tengen standing up and smiling at the three while tears of joy started to fall.

"I'm great!" Tengen said, going to his wives while still holding onto the origami crane. "Watch over me, M/N...." Tengen thought, memories of him and M/N flashing in his mind,

"Be my angel from now on.....until I see you again."

𝙎𝙏𝙍𝘼𝙒𝘽𝙀𝙍𝙍𝙔 𝙁𝙄𝙀𝙇𝘿𝙎 𝙁𝙊𝙍𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙍 | T. Uzui x Male Child ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now