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M/N sat on the grass as he carefully wrapped greenery along a wire, humming softly with a big smile as he did. Tengen sat beside him, happily watching his son affix the greenery on the wire.  "Dad, do you love me?" M/N asked, Tengen chuckling a bit and telling him "Of course I do.". "Why would you ask something so silly?" ".....I just wanted to make sure!" M/N finished with the greenery when he said that, starting to pluck Baby's breath flowers and attach them to it. Tengen smiled, M/N putting the last Baby's breath that he plucked onto the greenery. "Finished!" M/N exclaimed, showing his father the flower crown that he made.

"Good job~" Tengen said, clapping his hands as M/N stood up and put the flower crown on his head. Tengen blushed, tensing up as M/N giggled and told him "It's for you!". "M/N...." Tengen let out, a small smile creeping its way onto his face. "Do you like it?" M/N asked, Tengen nodding and bringing him into a hug. " I love everything that you make for me." Tengen said, giving M/N a kiss while M/N snuggled into his chest. Soon, Tengen released M/N from his hug, cupping his face and caressing it. "M/N.....have I told you how special you are to me?" Tengen asked, M/N shaking his head which made Tengen snicker a bit.

"Well....you're the most important thing to me." Tengen told him, M/N smiling and saying, "You're the most important thing to me too!". Tengen smiled, M/N crawling onto his lap and sitting on it as he held him close. "Glad to hear that" Tengen said, pressing a kiss on M/N's forehead. M/N looked up, starting to play with the pale blue gemstones that hung from Tengen's headdress. Tengen chuckled at this, muttering "9 years old and you still act like a baby....".

M/N blushed in embarrassment at this, yelling at Tengen "I'm not a baby!". Tengen smirked, saying to M/N "You're still one in my eyes~" while M/N angrily pouted and folded his arms across his chest. "C'mon, it was a joke." Tengen said, poking M/N's cheek to get a smile from him. M/N at first kept his mad face, but finally smiled when he felt the 7th poke. "I love you, M/N." Tengen told his son, M/N sitting up and wrapping his arms around his neck. "I love you too, dad." M/N said, Tengen returning the hug. 

Soon, a ladybug landed on M/N's finger, M/N smiling and showing it to Tengen. "Dad, make a wish!" M/N exclaimed, Tengen chuckling at the young boy's excitement. As the ladybug flew away, M/N asked Tengen "Did you wish for anything?". Tengen nodded, patting M/N's head and telling him "I wished that my son would never grow taller and instead stay small for the rest of his life". M/N glared at him, Tengen chuckling and saying "Okay, my real wish is that......

You'll still be mine no matter what happens."


"Hey dad? Can I tell you something?" M/N asked, Tengen nodding to let him know that he could. M/N took a deep breath, saying "Don't laugh at me for this.... but I always had dreams of being in a field with you.". "A field?" "Yeah, and we would always play together without my chest hurting!" Tengen saw M/N's sparkling eyes and big smile, smiling a bit and telling him "That's one very flashy dream!". M/N nodded but frowned slightly and looked down to his feet as he said "Yeah...but at the end of every dream, you would always say goodbye to me and leave me alone in the field.".

Tengen's expression softened, taking M/N's hand and squeezing it tightly. "I don't want you to leave me alone...." M/N muttered, Tengen softly smiling at him and saying "M/N, I'll never leave you.". "You won't?" "I promise......you're my son After all." M/N smiled, Tengen pressing a small kiss to his forehead and whispering, "We will always be together......". M/N then yawned, laying on his bed while asking his father "Can you sleep with me?". Tengen nodded, laying down next to him which made M/N smile happily.

"Goodnight, dad...." "Goodnight, buddy~" 

𝙎𝙏𝙍𝘼𝙒𝘽𝙀𝙍𝙍𝙔 𝙁𝙄𝙀𝙇𝘿𝙎 𝙁𝙊𝙍𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙍 | T. Uzui x Male Child ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now