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"Do you really have to go?" M/N asked, hugging Hinatsuru's legs while looking up at her with his big (E/C) eyes. Hinatsuru softly smiled at him, bending down and saying "We'll only be gone for a few days.". M/N frowned, looking down to his feet as Hinatsuru pressed a small kiss on his forehead. "We'll write everyday to you, okay?" Hinatsuru told him, M/N nodding which made Hinatsuru lovingly caress his face. "Hey, why can't we get some love?" Makio asked, her and Suma standing behind Hinatsuru, slightly jealous that she was getting all the attention of their son. M/N sadly giggled, going over to them and giving them both hugs. "I'll miss you...." M/N said, Makio smiling while Suma tried to hold back her tears.

"M/N!" Suma cried out, failing to keep the tears back and letting them all fall. She hugged M/N back, M/N letting his own tears fall and nuzzling her neck. Tengen, who was watching the farewell, went over to the two and patted M/N's head. "It's okay.....you'll see her again." Tengen whispered, Suma releasing M/N from the hug. "Don't die out there, alright?" Tengen said to his wives, the three nodding. Tengen smiled at them, giving each of them goodbye kisses. "We'll send a letter when we get there." Hinatsuru told Tengen, her, Suma, and Makio beginning to wave goodbye to their husband and son. Tengen waved goodbye back, watching the three walk out of sight.

Tengen looked down to see M/N rubbing his eyes, sighing and kneeling down to his height. "Hey...I thought you weren't a baby?" Tengen playfully asked, M/N not bothering to shoot him a glare due to trying to wipe the tears away. Tengen noticed this, bringing M/N into his arms and hugging him.


"Alright,, we're here." Tengen said, carrying a sleeping M/N on his back. M/N woke up and looked at where Tengen brought him, seeing that they were in front of an headstone. Written on the headstone was "Uzui Family Grave", M/N widening his eyes when he realized this. As Tengen put M/N down, He started to pray in front of the headstone, M/N quickly doing so as well. Tengen chuckled, sensing that M/N was praying with him. After the two finished praying, M/N looked up at Tengen and asked him "Dad.....is this your family?".

Tengen nodded, telling his son "All my siblings are gone.....I usually come here whenever I need some peace and quiet.". M/N took his hand in his small one, squeezing it tightly in comfort. Tengen sadly smiled at this, Muttering under his breath. "You're such a good boy....". As tears started to slowly go down his face, Tengen wiped them and looked at M/N with love in his eyes. "I don't deserve you...." Tengen whispered, M/N slightly smiling. The two than shared a hug, M/N nuzzling his face into Tengen's neck which made him snort and hold M/N close to him.

"Thank you....."

𝙎𝙏𝙍𝘼𝙒𝘽𝙀𝙍𝙍𝙔 𝙁𝙄𝙀𝙇𝘿𝙎 𝙁𝙊𝙍𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙍 | T. Uzui x Male Child ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now