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When M/N reached age 8, his asthma attacks started to become more and more frequent. Because of this, Tengen had M/N stay indoors with one of his wives watching him whenever he was out and forbade him to do any physically challenging activity. Tengen was afraid that one of M/N's asthma attacks would end up being severe, especially since the triggers were little things such as slightly tripping or breathing in dry air. 

While M/N understood his father's overprotectiveness, he still wished that he was able to play outside without having someone have a close eye on him with a time limit on how long he should be out. M/N wanted to be normal, so that he wouldn't have to be paranoid over when his next attack was. They hurt him so much, the only thing that comforted him during those times being Tengen, who would always try and help him stay calm during an attack. Even then, M/N didn't want his asthma to define, as he wanted to grow up and become a demon slayer just like Tengen.

He was aware of how dangerous it was, but he didn't care. He wanted to protect his father just like how he protected him. Currently, M/N was at the training area, having snuck away from home without his mothers knowing. M/N knew that Tengen wouldn't train him, so M/N took it upon himself to work on his swordsmanship. M/N used a wooden stick as a sword, Tengen having banned weapons from being anywhere near him, and would hit it on the practice dummy in hopes that he was improving. M/N believed that if he proved to Tengen that he could fight, Tengen would let him play outside for longer periods of time.

As M/N hit the dummy with his tick over and over again, he felt a hand pat his head, looking up to see his father with a smirk on his face. "Dad!" M/N exclaimed, stepping away in nervousness when he realized that he was caught. "I....it's not what it looks like!" M/N told him, Tengen chuckling and looking over at the wooden stick that was on the ground. "You were really using that?" Tengen asked, M/N nodding and turning his attention to his feet.

Tengen only smiled, picking it up and handing it back to M/N. "First of all, you're holding it wrong." Tengen said, M/N tilting his head in confusion. "Look, you have to hold it like this." Tengen made M/N stand up straight, putting his hands to the bottom of the stick and having him hold it like that. M/N blushed, Tengen putting his hands on his hips while he said "Okay, now hit it.". M/N gulped, Tengen looking at him with soft eyes and saying, "No worries, I got you.". M/N smiled, swinging the stick at the dummy and hitting it, making a small slightly visible slash on the dummy.

"Dad! Look!" M/N happily said, Tengen nodding and telling him "See? Much better posture.". "See if you can knock the dummy's head over." M/N began to swing at the dummy multiple times, the dummy getting more slightly visible slashes thanks to this. Just then, M/N swung it with more force, causing him to stumble a bit and fall backwards. Right when he was about to hit the ground, Tengen caught him in his arms. "Be careful, buddy~" Tengen said, M/N giggling and coughing a bit as his chest started to tighten. 

Tengen noticed this, quickly standing M/N up and rubbing his back. "You okay?" Tengen asked, M/N nodding and hugging him. "You're the best, dad!" M/N said, a big smile on his face. Tengen tensed up, but he returned the hug and smiled softly. "There you are!" A voice yelled, Tengen and M/N looking over to see Makio, Suma, and Hinatsuru going over to them. Makio had a stern expression on her face, her arms crossed as she glared at M/N. "What did we say about running off without telling us we're you're going?" Makio asked, Tengen picking M/N up with M/N hiding his face in his chest due to fear over his mother's anger.

"You're in so much trouble!" "Don't get mad, I was with him, so he wasn't alone." M/N looked up at Tengen, who gave him a wink to show that he was saving him from a punishment. Makio sighed, Hinatsuru going to M/N's side and telling him "Just tell us if you're going out, as you had Suma worried sick.". M/N and Tengen saw that Suma was wiping her tears away, a snot bubble in her nose which she didn't seem to notice. "I'm sorry, mommy." M/N said to Suma, Suma running to him and wrapping him in a big hug. M/N smiled, cuddling into Suma as Tengen, Makio, and Hinatsuru watched with amused smiles.

𝙎𝙏𝙍𝘼𝙒𝘽𝙀𝙍𝙍𝙔 𝙁𝙄𝙀𝙇𝘿𝙎 𝙁𝙊𝙍𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙍 | T. Uzui x Male Child ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now