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Was it safe to come out yet?

M/N was hiding in a building far away from where Tengen and the others were, and he felt like it's been hours since he waited in there. He wanted to get out, to check on his father and see if he was alright. But at the same time, he didn't want to take the risk of possibky being in the middle of a still ongoing fight. As M/N pondered what to do in his mind, he noticed smoke coming from where the battle was taking place. "Fire?" M/N thought, stepping out of the building he was in to get a better look. He now knew his decision.....he needed to go.

M/N took off, running over to the area while a million thoughts ran in his head. Was his father alright? Was the battle over? These questions could only be answered if he went over there, and M/N hoped that it would be on time. M/N finally reached the area, seeing fire and destroyed buildings around him. "Dad?!" M/N called out, looking around in hopes of seeing Tengen alive and well. Instead, M/N saw Gyutaro and Tanjiro, Gyutaro standing in front of an injured Tanjiro while talking to him. M/N knew that whatever Gyutaro was saying to Tanjiro wasn't good, especially since he couldn't see the others anywhere.

M/N grabbed a rock that was near him and threw it at Gyutaro, the rock hitting him straight on the head. Gyutaro stopped talking, slowly turning around to face M/N with a scowl on his face directed towards the young boy. "Oh.....forgot about you." Gyutaro said, M/N stepping back as he got closer. "What should I do? I can always keep you as a pet.....but I highly doubt Daki would like an annoying brat such as yourself." Gyutaro put hand around M/N's neck and held it tightly, lifting M/N up as tried to gasp for air. "It would be too much work to turn you into a demon....so I guess I could just kill you." Gyutaro smiled as he clutched onto M/N's neck, M/N crying while trying to call out for someone.

"M/N!" Tanjiro shouted, trying to get up by the injury that was inflicted on him by Gyutaro prevented him from doing so. He could only watch as Gyutaro choked M/N, M/N slowly but surely losing the last of his air. Just then, someone came between Gyutaro and M/N, causing Gyutaro to drop M/N. M/N looked up to see who saved him, it being none other than Tengen. "Get the fuck off my son...." Tengen growled, aiming his swords at Gyutaro. Gyutaro just wickedly laughed, saying "So, you really did survive after all!". Tengen glared at him, M/N quickly standing up and hugging his father. "Get out of here." Tengen told M/N, M/N letting him go as he began to fight Gyutaro. M/N watched from the sidelines as the two clashed their swords together, having never witness his father fight before in his life.

Tanjiro, who was now able to get up, joined the fight, M/N making sure that there was distance between him and the battle so he wouldn't be roped into it. And right when M/N noticed that Inousuke and Zenitsu were on the rooftops of the still standing buildings fighting Daki, both Daki and Gyutaro were decapitated at the same time. As their heads rolled next to each other, M/N smiled and ran over to Tengen and Tanjiro to congratulate them. "Dad! You did it!" M/N exclaimed, waving to Tengen in hopes of getting his attention. However; when Tengen saw M/N coming his way, he yelled out to him "DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!".

M/N didn't get a chance to react, Gyutaro's body emitting a explosion right in the area of where they were at.......


Tengen slowly opened his eyes, coughing as he sat up and tried to regain his vision. Did they really defeat Gyutaro and Daki? If so, why were there just an explosion now? Was it Gyutaro's last attempt to get back at them? Tengen shook those those thoughts out of his mind, realizing something that was more important to him. M/N......

"M/N?" Tengen asked, quickly standing up and holding his side as he looked around the area he was at. The espy must have separated them....and if so, Tengen prayed that M/N wasn't badly hurt by it. Tengen started to limo, calling out M/N's name in hopes that he would hear it. He was about to pass fragments of rubble until he noticed a small leg sticking from under there. "No...." Tengen let out, making his way over to the rubble and throwing the fragments of it off. After throwing it all away, Tengen saw a badly injured M/N laying on the ground, breathing slowly with blood spewing out of him

"Dad? Is that you?" M/N weakly asked, Tengen taking him into his arms and gently cradling him. "Yeah, it's me." Tengen said, M/N sniffling and letting tears fall down his face. "Dad.....it hurts." M/N whispered, Tengen moving some of his (H/C) hair away and behind his ear, "I want the pain to stop.". Tengen didn't want to believe what he was hearing, refusing to accept that what was happening was real. "I know....just hang on for a moment." Tengen said, cupping M/N's face and giving him a kiss, "Help will be here soon.". "But....I want it to stop now." Tengen frowned, holding M/N even closer while he held back his own tears. "I don't want to die.." M/N said, Tengen biting his lip in an attempt to keep his composure.

".....I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not being able to protect you." Tengen muttered, M/N reaching his hand out to him so that he could take it. "I'm sorry for being such an awful father....." "No......please don't apologize." M/N sadly smiled at Tengen, Tengen squeezing his hand while having his tears fall. ".....Dad, I want to go home." M/N whispered, Tengen placing his forehead on top is his. "We'll be home soon....just close your eyes and go to sleep." Tengen said, M/N weakly nodding and slowly shutting his eyes and laying his head on his chest. "Goodnight dad.....I love you." M/N mumbled, his eyes closing as he stopped breathing. Tengen closed his eyes, feeling M/N's heartbeat stop and kiss him one last time. "I love you too...." Tengen said, rocking back and forth with M/N still in his arms.

Not many people's final words were "I love you".....and that just happened to be his only child's one. And Out of everything and everyone in the world....he had to die in his arms.

𝙎𝙏𝙍𝘼𝙒𝘽𝙀𝙍𝙍𝙔 𝙁𝙄𝙀𝙇𝘿𝙎 𝙁𝙊𝙍𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙍 | T. Uzui x Male Child ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now