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"Goodnight dad......I love you."

As M/N whispered his last words, he slowly closed his eyes while his breathing stopped and his heartbeat ceased. M/N's hand went limp in Tengen's, Tengen only gripping onto it tighter as he held his now lifeless son close to him. Tengen choked back a sob,  pressing a kiss on his forehead. "....I love you too." Tengen muttered, rocking back and forth with M/N still in his arms. One of the few good things that happened to him, his baby boy, was now gone.....

He was never going to see M/N grow up, never experience dinking a sake with him, never witness him find his own love, and never have children of his own to love and care for. Tengen blamed himself for this, knowing that he should have never brought M/N along in the first place. If he didn't bring him, M/N would probably still be here and waiting anxiously for the arrival of his father and mothers. But now, Tengen wouldn't be greeted by M/N's smile whenever he returned home...not for a long time. While Tengen gently cradled M/N, he heard footsteps approach him and looked over to see Tanjiro with his little sister beside him.

"Uzui...." Tanjiro let out, shocked to see the hashira holding a dead M/N in his arms. Tanjiro looked down, biting his lip as tears threatened to escape "So in the end....I couldn't keep everyone alive." Tanjiro thought, Nezuko tilting her head to the side and going over to Tengen. Tengen noticed Nezuko standing beside him, not bothering to show any emotion on his face. "Just leave...." Tengen mumbled, Nezuko only putting a hand on M/N's chest. "Wait, Don't touch him-" Tengen was interrupted by a  bright light that surrounded M/N's body. Once Nezuko took her hand off M/N, the bright light disappeared with M/N's injuries now no longer having an appearance on him.

"..." Everything was at first silent, Tengen not sure what Nezuko did to his child. Just then, Tengen felt M/N's chest rise up again, gasping as M/N's eyes also fluttered open. "M/N?" Tengen asked, cupping his son's face as he took notice of his surroundings and looked up at him. "...Dad? What-" M/N didn't get the chance to ask his question, Tengen quickly embracing him and crying tears of joy. "I THOUGHT I LOST YOU!" Tengen cried out, weeping while M/N was taken back but still returned the embrace. M/N began to cry himself, cuddling into Tengen's chest which made him chuckle softly and hold M/N closer. Tanjiro had saw the entire thing, looking at Nezuko and giving her a small smile,

As Tanjiro patted Nezuko's head, Hinatsuru, Suma, and Makio went over to their husband and son with worry. "Lord Tengen!" The three called out, Tengen and M/N turning their attention to them. "M/N!" Suma cried out, tears already falling down her face as she fell to her knees and hugged M/N. "Are you okay? Did you get hurt? Please tell me that nothing happened to you!" Suma didn't notice that she was hugging M/N too tightly, Tengen about to tell her this in hopes of M/N not suffering an asthma attack already. However, he saw that M/N was doing just fine, instead smiling and laughing as Suma peppered kisses onto him. 

"His asthma...." Tengen whispered, looking at Tanjiro and Nezuko and going to them. "....Thank you." Tengen said, bowing to the two in hopes that his gratitude for them saving his son could be shown. Tanjiro smiled while Nezuko made a happy noise, Tengen softly smiling himself and heading back to where his family was. "Than everything was dark, but I soon found myself awake again!" M/N said to his mothers, telling them about his experience he just went through. "I still don't know what happened." "You were brought back to us...." M/N looked at his father, Tengen smiling and kissing him on his forehead.

"You were gone....but you were than brought back to us." Tengen explained, M/N tearing up when he realized what that meant. M/N than hugged Tengen, Tengen picking him up and holding his close to his chest. "....Let's go home." Tengen said, carrying M/N while walking away with his wives following behind. 



"M/ can come in now." Makio told her son, sliding open the shoji door that lead to Hinatsuru's delivery room. M/N smiled, going into the room and seeing Hinatsuru laying on a futon while Tengen held a small bundle in his arms while Suma sat next to him. Tengen looked up at his son and softly smiled, saying "Come and say hi to your sister....". M/N went over to Tengen and sat on his knees, Tengen gently giving him the newborn infant. As M/N held his baby sister, he noticed that the infant was reaching her arms out to him. M/N giggled, cradling his baby sister while his parents watched with smiles.

"Did you name her already?" M/N asked, Suma shaking her head and telling him "That honor falls upon you.". M/N blushed, looking back down to his baby sister and thinking of a good name for her. "How about......Hana?" M/N asked, Tengen chuckling and ruffling his son's hair. "It's great for her." Tengen said, M/N laughing while Hana gurgled in happiness. "Looks like someone likes their new name." Hinatsuru said, M/N smiling and turning his attention back to baby Hana. "I'm going to be the best big brother ever!" M/N happily exclaimed, Tengen nodded and taking both M/N and Hana into his arms.

"I love you two..." Tengen muttered, a soft smile on his face as he felt M/N nuzzle into him.



"Hey dad...." M/N softly said, knocking on the door to his father's bedroom. Tenma heard the knocking, groggily waking up and rubbing his eyes as he asked, " What is it, squirt?". M/N nervously looked down to his feet, twiddling his thumbs while he asked, "Would it be okay if I sleep with you?". Tenma was slightly taken back by this, though still nodded to show that M/N was allowed to come into bed with him. As M/N crawled into bed, Tenma asked him "Did....Did you have a bad dream?". M/N nodded, telling him "It was about I died in your arms.". Tenma widened his eyes, quickly hugging M/N and rubbing his back to comfort him as he started to quietly weep.

"Don't was just a dream." Tenma said, M/N sniffling and rubbing his eyes. "Want me to tell you a story?" Tenma asked, M/N nodding and laying onto bed with Tenma covering him with the blankets. Tenma than smiled at him, giving him a kiss and sayi9ng

"This is the story of your ancestor....who shares the same name as you."

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