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"Listen, don't do anything that'll make you stand out." Tengen said, him and M/N riding in carriage into the entertainment district with Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inousuke behind them in their own carriage, "So, whatever you do, don't get out of the carriage." Right when Tengen said that, Both Zenitsu and Inousuke jumped out of their carriage, the two in awe over the district. Tanjiro quickly got out of the carriage himself, following them so that they wouldn't get lost. "Those stinking brats!" Tengen angrily yelled, his and M/N's carriage stopping so that they could get out. Tengen started to chase after them with M/N shortly behind him, M/N looking around the district with wonder in his eyes.

After finally regrouping with the three, Tengen noticed just how mesmerized M/N was and softly chuckled. "Flashy, huh?" Tengen asked, ruffling M/N's hair as he looked up at him and smiled. Tengen smiled back, picking M/N up and letting him take in the sight. "This is the Yoshiwara Entertainment District." Tengen said, giving an introduction to M/N in where they were, "Awash in vanity and the desire of men and women, it's a town of the night swirling with love and hate.". "Why do they call it the entertainment district?" M/N asked, Tengen telling him "It's because of the prostitutes that reside here.".

"What's a prostitute?" ".....When you're older, you'll find out."


Tengen had managed to find a place to briefly reside in, Tengen sitting in front of Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inousuke in the room they rented while M/N sat on his lap. "Now, When you've infiltrated the entertainment district, first look for my bride." Tengen said, explaining what the mission entailed for the others, "I'll be digging for information on the demons, as well.". Zenitsu just angrily glared at him, shouting "THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!" while Tengen just raised a brow at him. "Huh?" "How dare you use your subordinates to personally find a bride for yourself!" Tengen glared back at Zenitsu, asking him "How did you get that idea?"

"I CAN't BELIEVE YOU HAVE A SON AND STILL ACT THIS WAY!" Zenitsu yelled, Tanjiro trying to calm him down. "I'M SURE THAT A SCREWED-UP ODDBALL LIKE YOU HAD NO LUCK WITH THE LADIES. EVEN SO, JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT A WIFE, THAT'S NO REASON TO USE DEMON SLAYER LIKE US!". When Zenitsu said that, Tengen yelled back at him "ARE YOU AN IDIOT? I'M TALKING AVOUT A WIDE WHO'S INFILTRATED THE ENTERTAINMENT DISTRICT AND IS HARD AT WORK GATHERING INTEL ON THE DEMONS!". Tengen looked down and saw that M/N was hiding his face in his chest, scared over his and Zenitsu's loud arguement. "Now look at what you've done...." Tengen muttered, rubbing M/N's back to comfort him while Zenitsu just stared with an annoyed expression.

Tengen than took out multiple envelopes, saying "These are the letters sent via the Kasugai crow.". "There's quite a lot." Tanjiro said, picking up some of the envelopes, "Has she been undercover for a long time?". "Well, I do have three of them. Wives." Tengen told him, Zenitsu's eyes widening as he went into shock. "Three of them.....wives?" Zenitsu let out, quickly asking Tengen "WHY DO YOU HAVE THREE WIVES?". Zenitsu turned his attention to M/N, asking him "ARE YOU AWARE OF THIS?". M/N nodded, telling Zenitsu "They are my mommies!". "SO YOU NEVER QUESTIONED WHO GAVE BIRTH TO-" Zenitsu didn't get a chance to finish his question, Tengen punching him in his stomach with a glare on his face.

Tanjiro, trying to chance the subject, asked "Um, in the letters, they keep reminding you not to stand out when you come. What are we going to do exactly?". Tengen sighed, telling him "Disguise yourselves, in a drab much I must regretfully inform you.". Just then, M/N took Tengen's hand and tugged on it, Tengen looking back at him and asking "Yeah?". ".....What did you even send them here for?" M/N asked, Tengen realizing he hasn't even told the reason they were even here in the first place to him. "Well, since this place is only active at night, I wanted to see if this would be a good place for demons." Tengen said, M/N tensing up when he heard "demons".

𝙎𝙏𝙍𝘼𝙒𝘽𝙀𝙍𝙍𝙔 𝙁𝙄𝙀𝙇𝘿𝙎 𝙁𝙊𝙍𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙍 | T. Uzui x Male Child ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now