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"....Where am I?" M/N thought, slowly opening his eyes to see himself in a dark room. As he sat up, he noticed that someone was standing in front of him, but they were shrouded in the shadows. "Dad?" M/N asked, a snarl being heard from the person. "I'm not your daddy....brat." The person said, M/N scooting away from them in fear. "You're not....dad?" A chuckle escaped the person's lips, coming out of the shadow's so that their appearance can be seen by M/N. M/N widened his eyes, remembering exactly who the person....no, demon, was.

It was the same demon he bumped into when he ran away from Tengen......

As M/N stared in horror at the demon, the demon started to scratch it's face and say to him "I really wanted to kill you right then and there.....but you're just too cute.". The demon took ahold M/N's face, a crooked smile directed to him while the demon said "I can keep you....yeah, I can.". "DAD!" M/N screamed, pushing the demon off him and crawling away from him. However, the demon just grabbed his leg and pulled him back to him. "You really shouldn't mess with me...." The demon growled, M/N whimpering and holding back tears.

"I really don't want to kill someone as cute as you......but you're pushing me there." The demon glared at M/N, movng some of his hair away from his face. "Hey....You're that hashira's kid....right?" The demon asked, M/N hesitantly nodding which made him chuckle and smirk. "Well....that makes things more interesting." The demon then threw M/N onto the floor, M/N hitting his back onto the floor. "Stay here....and if you move......I'll have your head." The demon threatened, leaving M/N in the room. "No!" M/N shouted, getting up and going over to the door.

"Let me out! Please!" M/N begged, slamming his hands onto the door in order to get it open. His efforts were futile, the door staying shut no matter how hard he hit it. "Please.....I want my dad." M/N whispered, his tears going down and falling onto his knees.


it didn't take long for M/N to suffer an asthma attack......

M/N was laying on the floor of the room, looking out the window to see the moon brightly illuminated in the sky. M/N's chest soon started to tighten, M/N putting a hand to it and breathing in and out slowly in order to stop the tightness from getting worse. "Dad.....where are you?" M/N thought, the tightness in his chest increasing and his breathing becoming hoarse. He usually never had to deal with an attack alone, so he didn't know what to do without his father in his side.

After a few seconds, M/N began to cough harshly. M/N covered his mouth with his arm, trying to muffle his coughs but it instead made it worse. M/N shortly threw up, vomit coming out of his mouth as he cried in pain. "Someone....please.....PLEASE HELP ME!" M/N screamed, hoping somebody, anybody, heard him. He didn't want to stay in this place anymore. He wanted to see Tengen again.....he missed him so much. As M/N threw up once more, a loud explosion was heard, rattling the floor below him. Right when M/N's vision started to get blurry, the door to the room he was in busted open, Tengen coming in with a worried look on his face. "M/N!" Tengen yelled, going over to his son and taking him into his arms.

"D-Dad?" M/N asked, Tengen beginning to rock back and forth and pressing a kiss to his forehead. "Shh....don't say anything." Tengen took M/N's hand into his and squeezed it, M/N's breathing slowly but surely going back to normal. "I'm sorry.....I'm so sorry." Tengen whispered, M/N frowning and coughing slightly. "No....I'm sorry.......I shouldn't have-"What did I say about talking?" M/N hiccuped, Tengen rubbing his back and holding him close to his chest. The two were like this for a while, Tengen looking down at M/N to see that he was back to breathing normally. "Do you think you can stand up?" Tengen asked, helping M/N up to his feet. M/N stumbled a bit, but Tengen managed to keep his balance.

"How adorable~" A voice said, Tengen and M/N looking in front of them to see Gyutaro and Daki. Tengen quickly stood in front of M/N, M/N hiding behind Tengen due to his newfound fear of Gyutaro. "Seeing a father's love is such a heartwarming sight....but seeing a father's despair is much more entertaining for me." Gyutaro said, Tengen glaring at him and saying "Don't you dare lay a finger on my son.". Gyutaro just cackled, telling Tengen "You're quite the oddball...aren't you?". "You're not like any of the other hashira I have killed. You must have been special since the day you were born, a chosen talent." Gyutaro cruelly smiled, exclaiming "That makes me so jealous! I need you to die as soon as possible!".

Tengen just smirked at this, Gyutaro giving him an confused look. "Do I look like someone with any talent?" Tengen asked, staring straight at Gyutaro, "If someone like me gives that impression, you really are living a blessed life.". "You may be centuries old, but if you stayed shut up in a place like this.....I guess you can't help being ignorant of the real world." "What do you know about it?" "I know all right." Tengen looked back at M/N, giving him a sad smile as he said "I've been a terrible father......so much I don't deserve the title.". M/N gasped at this, Tengen turning his attention to Gyutaro and Daki again.

"Dad....you really think that?" M/N thought, processing this new piece of information given to him. "Me, Chosen? Don't make me laugh." Tengen said to the two demons, Gyutaro glaring at him and asking "Then how do you explain it?". "My blood sickles are drenched with deadly poison, yet you simply refused to die!" As Gyutaro scratched himself, Tengen told him "I've come from a line of shinobi, I've become resistant, so poison doesn't work on me.". "Poison?" M/N muttered, worry no inside him for his father.

"The poision's slowly affecting you in the end! Death is still your final fate!" Gyutaro told Tengen, Tengen just chuckling and patting M/N's head. "Run...find somewhere safe to hide until all of this blows over." Tengen said, M/N shaking his head and wrapping his arms around his legs. "No!" "Please....." M/N looked up and nodded, sniffling and leaving the building to a safe area. "No you don't! Gyutaro shouted, about to chase M/N but was stopped by Tengen. M/N yelped when he saw Gyutaro reach out for him, tripping over himself and falling to the floor.

"M/N, hurry up!" Tengen said, trying his best to hold off Gyutato and Daki so that M/N could escape. M/N got up, running as fast as he can while praying in his mind "Dad.....please be okay......".

If only he and Tengen knew what was going to happen soon.......

𝙎𝙏𝙍𝘼𝙒𝘽𝙀𝙍𝙍𝙔 𝙁𝙄𝙀𝙇𝘿𝙎 𝙁𝙊𝙍𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙍 | T. Uzui x Male Child ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now