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Tengen decided to complete the mission by himself....

it has already been two days since they have been in the entertainment district, and Zenitsu had already gone missing. When he found out about this, Tengen told Tanjiro and Inousuke to abandon the mission, sensing that the danger would be too much for them to handle. Tengen also had to get M/N out of the district as well, not wanting his son to get involved any further. As Tengen watched M/N sleep peacefully, he took a deep breath and shook him awake. M/N slowly opened his eyes, moving some of his hair out of his face and looking up at Tengen with tried eyes.

"M/N.....there's a carriage at the entrance waiting for you." Tengen said, sadly smiling at his son and cupping his face, "I already paid the fee for it, just get on and leave.". "But....what about you?" "I'm's too dangerous for you to stay here." M/N sat up, Tengen pressing a kiss on his forehead and quickly embracing him. "But I don't want to leave you!" M/N tasks, Tengen sighing and saying to him "You have to, it's the only way to keep you safe.". "I want to help! I don't want to run away while you have to fight for me!" Tengen noticed M/N's tears were now falling down his face, wiping some of it away.

"I'll be okay." "And what if you're not!" Tengen sighed, M/N taking his hand and squeezing it tightly. ".....fine." Tengen muttered, letting M/N wrap his arms around his neck so that he could carry him. "Stay With me the entire time, and run away as fast as you can when I tell you to." Tengen told him, M/N nodding as he opened the window of their room and jumped out.


"What happened to Zenko and Hinatsuru?" Tengen calmly asked the Kyogoku house brothel manager, putting a kundalini close to his neck as he stood behind him. M/N watched with an worried look, scared over the method his father was taking for answers while Tengen waited for an answer. The brothel manager was silent for a moment, trying to process what was happening to him. "....Zenko disappeared." The brothel manager said, the kunai still aimed at his neck, "Hinatsuru fell ill and left for the kirimise.". Tengen wanted more, saying to the brothel manager "Tell me everything that you think might be relevant.".

"who are you suspecting?" Tengen removed the kunai from the brothel manager's neck, so that he could trust him to say what he needed. "....An Oiran amend Warabihime, she's in a room in the north side that has no light." The brothel manager said, Tengen getting up and taking M/N with him out of the room to where Warabihime was staying. However, when they got there, there was no one. M/N sniffled a bit, trying to hold back tears as he thought about Hinatsuru. He was scared that she could have been dead, and even if Suma and Makio were alive, having not all three of his mother's would still cause despair to M/N. Tengen noticed this, kneeling down to M/N's height and placed his forehead on top of his.

"We're going to find her....we're going to find them all." Tengen whispered, M/N nodding and wrapping his arms around Tengen's neck. Tengen than left the room, carrying M/N as he jumped from rooftop to rooftop to the kirimise. Once they got there, Tengen landed into the ground and was about to run past building if it weren't for M/N's eye being caught by a familiar person that was tied up with an obi in the building. "Mommy!" M/N cries out, Tengen stopping and seeing that it was Hinatsuru who was tied up. Tengen put M/N down and went inside the building with him. As Tengen cut the obi off of Hinatsuru, he held her in his arms while M/N went beside him. "Mommy! Mommy!" M/N said, shaking Hinatsuru in hopes of getting her to open her eyes. Hinatsuru slowly did, Tengen getting o it an antidote and putting it into her mouth.

"Mommy!" M/N grabbed Hinatsuru's hand, Hinatsuru weakly smiling at him and asking "M/N.....what are you doing here?". "I brought him...." Tengen said, Hinatsuru looking at him and breathing slowly. "Forgive me, Lord Tengen." Hinatsuru said, M/N squeezing her hand in hopes of comforting her, " not trouble yourself with me. Go now and take M/N with you.". "You heard that sound, didn't you? The demon is on a rampage." Tengen held Hinatsuru close to him, telling her "Once the antidote starts working, leave hear me?". Hinatsuru nodded, M/N hiccuping and kissing her on her cheek. Hinatsuru smiled, saying "You don't have to leave....please stay.....".

M/N only shook his head, telling Hinatsuru "I'm helping! I don't want to be useless.....". Hinatsuru softly chuckled, cupping M/N's face while she said "That's my boy....". Tengen put Hinatsuru down, picking M/N up in his arms bridal style and leaving to find where the demon was. "She will be okay....right?" M/N asked, Tengen looking down at him and nodding. "Just focus on yourself......I won't be able to forgive myself if you ever get hurt." Tengen said, holding M/N closer to him as he jumped from roof to roof.


As the two arrived back at the district, Tengen immediately heard nosies coming from ground. Tengen put his ear to it, hearing the sounds of battling coming from under. "M/N, move aside." Tengen said, M/N taking a few steps back while Tengen took out his swords. "Sound breathing, first form.....roar!" Tengen hit the ground with his swords, creating a hole. Tengen grabbed M/N and fell since the hole, M/N hiding his face in his chest as they went down to wherever the bodies were. M/N couldn't tell if when they landed, the dust around him blocking his sight. He felt himself be put down by Tengen, Tengen whispering to him "Stay." and ran over to something.

Soon, the sounds of swords slicing something was then heard, the dust finally settling and M/N being able to see again. That was when M/N saw pieces of an obi falling from the air, noticing that it was the same color as the obi that Hinatsuru was tied up in. "M/N!" A voice called out, M/N looking in front of him to see Suma and Makio going over to him. Suma and Makio both took M/N into a hug, M/N returning the hug while crying and cuddling into their chests. "We're so sorry!" Makio cried out, Suma sobbing and kissing M/N as M/N wiped the tears from his eyes, "I.....I thought I was never going to see you again!". Tengen went to them, softly smiling at the sight.

"Nice to see you two doing well." Tengen said, Makio and Suma looking at him and standing up straight. Tengen simply chuckled, looking over at M/N and telling his wives "I want you to take him somewhere safe.....I see now that he can't be around this place anymore.". " said I could come?" "I know, but you have to understand that......" Tengen trailed off, noticing M/N ball his fist up and glare at him. "Why can't I ever help?!" M/N shouted, Tengen having never heard his son raise his voice before. "Is it because I'm weak!?" "'s not-" "Yes it is! You think I'm useless and that I can't do anything! It's not fair!" M/N started to run away, Tengen calling out "M/N! Come back here!".

M/N ran out of the underground tavern, tears threatening to fall down as he wiped them away. "Am I.....really useless?" M/N thought, not bothering to see what was in front of him. Just then, M/N felt himself bump into someone, falling on his behind and looking up to see who it was. " where you're going, brat." The person said, M/N's heart having stopped beating when he realized who it was. The person had black dotted, pale Gray compexion and reddish green eyes, with unruly black hair.

that was when M/N realized that he had encountered a demon.......and he shortly passed out in fear.


"M/N! GODDAMMIT, I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!" Tengen called out, looking around to see where his son went. He checked everywhere, yet he couldn't find him. M/N couldn't have run that where the hell was he. Tengen's heart rate was faster than it should be, worried over what could have happened to M/N.

"please over my son."

𝙎𝙏𝙍𝘼𝙒𝘽𝙀𝙍𝙍𝙔 𝙁𝙄𝙀𝙇𝘿𝙎 𝙁𝙊𝙍𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙍 | T. Uzui x Male Child ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now