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"Dad! Look, I'm flying!" M/N exclaimed, being held up in the air by Tengen. Tengen smiled, tossing M/N and catching him soon after, M/N happily laughing all the way. "Again!" M/N said, clapping his hands as Tengen chuckled and tossed him once more. As Tengen caught him, M/N started to cough slightly which made Tengen widen his eyes and put him down. "M/N...." Tengen let out, kneeling down to his son's height while he covered his coughs with his elbow. After M/N coughed one last time, Tengen cupped his face and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "I'm sorry..." Tengen said, M/N smiling with a blush.

M/N then jumped into Tengen's arms, causing Tengen to stumble and fall onto the grass. Tengen and M/N laughed in unison, the two laying on the grass next to one another. "Dad, I love you." M/N said with a smile, Tengen caressing his face and saying, "I love you more.". As the sun started to set, Tengen kissed M/N again and sat up, sadly smiling. "I have to go now...." Tengen said, M/N sitting up and grabbing his hand tightly. "No...." "No worries...I'll see you again soon." "But I want to be with you forever!" M/N wrapped his arms around Tengen's neck, hugging him while trying to hold back his tears.

Tengen frowned, hugging M/N back and letting him nuzzle his neck. "Please....don't leave me." M/N whispered, Tengen placing his forehead on top of his. "I will never leave you......." Tengen whispered back, kissing M/N one last time before standing up and beginning to walk away. "Dad....don't go!" M/N cried out, his tears falling while he stood up himself and ran after Tengen. However, M/N ended up tripping and falling on his knees, helplessly watching his father walk away from him and out of his sight.


"Please....." M/N muttered, tears slowly falling down his face as he slept beside Tengen. Tengen heard this, waking up and looking over at M/N to see the tears. "Dad....I don't want to be alone." M/N muttered again, Tengen's eyes softening as he took M/N's small hand and squeezed it. "Shh....I'm right here." Tengen whispered, pressing a kiss on M/N's forehead to comfort him. M/N sniffled, Tengen smiling a bit while he watched M/N sleep.

"I'm not going anywhere......"


For the first few days, Tengen and M/N received letters via Kasugai Crow by Hinatsuru, Suma, And Makio. The letters were sent individually, and they were mainly updates about how their mission was going. Whenever they got a letter, M/N would always send a letter back, wanting his mothers to know that he and Tengen were alright and were waiting for their return. Though, after the 12th day, the letters from Hinatsuru, Suma, and Makio stopped being sent. 

M/N was worried sick for his mothers, scared that they stopped sending the letters due to the worst happening to them. Tengen hated seeing his son like this and decided to take it upon himself to investigate what was going on. However, when he told M/N about this, M/N's fear only increased. "You can't go!" M/N said, Tengen softly smiling and kneeling down to his height. "What if you go missing too!" "Don't worry, bud. I'll be back before you know it." Tengen ruffled M/N's hair, but M/N only pouted and looked down to his feet.

"....I don't want you to go." M/N mumbled, Tengen sighing and lifting M/N's chin up so that he was looking at him straight in his eyes. "If I don't go, then your mothers might never come back." Tengen told him, noticing tears form in M/N's eyes. "Then....I'll go with you!" Tengen was taken back by what M/N said, seeing that he was dead serious on it. "No." "But-" "I'm not letting you go out there and get hurt!" M/N stepped back a bit, Tengen realizing what he said and slowly embracing him. "Hey.....don't feel bad." Tengen said, looking down at M/N who had a small frown. "It's just.....I'm scared what might happen to you if I'm not there with you." Tengen told him, giving him a quick kiss.

"....." M/N stayed silent, cuddling into Tengen's chest while Tengen sighed and sadly smiled. "Alright.....you can come with me." Tengen said, M/N looking up and smiling brightly. "Really?" "Yes, but stay by my side for the entire time, okay?" M/N nodded, hugging Tengen and kissing him on his cheek. Tengen chuckled, rubbing M/N's back with a soft smile.

𝙎𝙏𝙍𝘼𝙒𝘽𝙀𝙍𝙍𝙔 𝙁𝙄𝙀𝙇𝘿𝙎 𝙁𝙊𝙍𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙍 | T. Uzui x Male Child ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now