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Tengen carried M/N on his shoulders as the two made their way  to the butterfly mansion, Tengen having said that they needed to make a stop there before they go to the entertainment district. M/N laid his head on top of Tengen's, asking his father "Are there a lot of people in the entertainment district?". Tengen looked up at M/N with a smile, telling him "Yep! And you can get easily lost if you don't pay attention to where you are going.". M/N whined a bit, nervous about this new piece of information given to him. M/N has never set foot ouside demon slayer hq, so going to the entertainment district made him both excited and scared.

Tengen noticed this and took ahold of M/N's small hand, squeezing it in comfort. "Just stay with me....I'll protect you." Tengen said, M/N smiing softly with a small blush on his face. The two then reached the entrance of the butterfly mansion, Tengen putting M/N down and telling him "Wait here for a bit, I'll be right back.", pressing a small kiss to his forehead. As Tengen went into the mansion, M/N started tosuck on his thumb while waiting for him to be done with whatever he was doing. After a few minutes passed, M/N heard footsteps approaching and looked over to see a teen boy carrying a box on his back.

The boy stopped in his tracks when he saw M/N, M/N taking his thumb out of his mouth and shyly looking away from the boy. The boy simply half heartedly smiled, going over to M/N as he slightly stepped back away from him. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you." The boy said, M/N twiddling his fingers in nervousness. "My name's Tanjiro, what's yours?" ".....M/N" Tanjiro kneeled down in front of M/N, asking him "Why is someone so young doing here? Are you lost?". M/N was about to answer, but him and Tanjiro soon heard a girl's voice yell "Please let us go!". Tanjiro and M/N went into the mansion, where they saw Tengen carrying two girls while being yanked all around by three others.

M/N reconigzed the the girls Tengen was carrying as Aoi and Naho, who,were the assitants to Shinobu that resided in the butterfly mansion. M/N also reconigzed Kanao, Sumi, and Kiyo as the ones preventing Tengen from taking them. "Dad!" M/N called out, Tengen looking at him with wide eyes, "What are you doing?". "He's kidnapping them!" Kiyo cried out, Tengen glaring at her, "Please save them!". Tanjiro than started to run over to Tengen, M/N saying "Wait! Don't hurt him!". Tanjiro didn't hear him, only attempting to headbutt him. However, Tengen managed to jump out of the way, going on top of the roof of the entrance.

"Do you really think I fall victim to one of your pissant headbutts?" Tengen asked Tanjiro, still carrying Aoi and Naho on his shoulders. "Let Aoi and Naho go!" Tanjiro told him, Tengen's expression turning to that of anger as he said "Who the hell do you think you're talking to!?". "I'm your superior! I'm a Hashira, dammit!" M/N looked up Tengen, asking him "Why are you even kidnapping them in the first place?". Tengen tensed uo a bit, now realizing how much of a villain he appeared to his son. "I.....We need them for when we go to the entertainment district!" Tengen told him, still going on with his plan. "But Naho isn't a member of the corps! Can't you see she'x not wearing the uniform?" Sumi said, Tengen taking a look at Naho and seeing thst it was true.

"Well, looks like I Don't need you." Tengen said, dropping Naho in which she was evetually caught by Tanjiro. "How could you do such a thing, you inhuman brute?!" Tanjiro angrily asked, Tengen rolling his eyes and saying "For now, I just going to take this one.". "C'mon, M/N." Tengen ordered, about to jump off the roof with Aoi but noticed that M/N stood still. "No!" M/N said, folding his arms across his chest. "What do you mean "no"?" "Let her go first!" M/N puffed his cheeks, Tengen getting irked at his disobedience. "Listen here young man! Do you want to see your mothers again or not?" Tengen asked, M/N sticking his tongue out at him.

Tengen was about to go down and pull M/N by the arm so that they could leave, but Tanjiro stood in front of him and said "We'll go in place of Aoi!". "Wait...""We'll?" Tengen thought, soon seeing two boys go beside Tanjiro. One of the boys was blonde hsired while the other wore an boar head. M/N grew nervous around the new people aroun him, though Tanjiro looked back at him and gave him a smile to show that everything would be okay. M/N smiled back, turning his attention to Tengen. Tengen could only sigh and smirk, saying "Alright....but I'm only doing this because of M/N,"


Tengen stood in front of Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke, M/N hiding behind him,while he placed his hand on his head. "He's gigantic....." Zenitsu thought, realizing just how small M/N was compared to him. "Umm....may I ask who the little boy next to you is?" Tanjiro asked, M/N peaking a bit as Tengen said "My son.". Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inouske could only widen their eyes, shocked to find out soneone as egotistical as Tengen could have smeone so shy related to him. M/N waved a bit at them, Tengen smiled at M/N, playfully ruffling his hair as he said "He'll be coming along with us.".

"HIM? BUT HE'S SO YOUNG!" Zenitsu yelled, Tengen glaring zt him and punching him in his stomach. "That's why if something happens to him, I'll kill all three of you." Tengen muttered, Picking M/N up in his arms. As he put him on his shoulders, he turned around and said "Now then, follow me.". Tengen quickly started to run with M/N still on his shoulders, M/N looking back and waving at Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inousuke with an innocent smile. The three quickly started to follow soon after, M/N laughing and laying his head on Tengen's,

Tengen smiled, though he couldn't shake his fear away that something awful was to happen to M/N when they got to the district.......

𝙎𝙏𝙍𝘼𝙒𝘽𝙀𝙍𝙍𝙔 𝙁𝙄𝙀𝙇𝘿𝙎 𝙁𝙊𝙍𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙍 | T. Uzui x Male Child ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now