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Tengen laid on top of a hill with his hands behind his head, watching the sun above slowly rise in the sky. As he rested, he heard the sounds of rustling coming from a nearby bush, making him sit up and turn his attention at the bush. The bush rustled again, Tengen smirking due to already knowing who was in it. "You can come out now...." Tengen said, the bush having stopped rustling and whoever was hiding it going silent. Tengen just chuckled, getting up and going over to the bush. Once he was standing in front of it, he looked inside and was greeted by his son jumping out of the bush and into his arms.

"Boo!" M/N exclaimed, Tengen laughing at this while he lost his balance and fell down onto the grass. M/N smiled at his father, happily saying "Got you!" as Tengen chuckled and told him "No, I already knew you were in there, so you didn't scare.". M/N's dropped his smile and frowned, looking down and pouting slightly which made Tengen press a kiss to his forehead. "But hey.... you at least tried." Tengen said, the smile returning on M/N's face as he crawled off Tengen. Tengen than sat up, asking M/N "Anyways, what's up?".

M/N showed him a small origami crane in his hands, telling him "Look!". Tengen smiled at this, ruffling M/N's hair and said "Well, look at you~". "Miss Shinobu helped me with it!" M/N said, giving the origami crane to Tengen. Tengen blushed, looking down at the origami crane in his hand and asking "Wait....you're giving it to me?". M/N nodded, saying "I made it for you....so that whenever you go out on a mission, I'll be with you.". Tengen froze for a moment, before smiling at M/N and taking him into his arms. 

"Thanks, kiddo~" Tengen told him, M/N giggling as he felt Tengen kiss him. Just then, Tengen's Kasugai crow flew over to them and perched itself onto M/N's head. M/N blushed in embarrassment over this, Tengen snorting at this and asking his crow "Need something from me?".  The crow squawked that Kagaya needed his presence, Tengen shocked that he was wanted. "Are you leaving again on a mission?" M/N asked, Tengen shaking his head and patting his head. "No, I promise that I'll be here all day." Tengen told him, a reassuring smile on his face, "Master just wants to see me for a bit."

M/N frowned slightly and nodded, Tengen sighing and cupping his face so that he could give him one last kiss. "I love you; you know that?" Tengen said, M/N softly smiling which caused Tengen to smile back. "Go play, I'll be back soon." Tengen said, M/N getting up and waving goodbye to Tengen as he ran down the hill and back home. Tengen waved goodbye to him as well, watching M/N run out of sight.


"Master....you wanted me?" Tengen asked, kneeling down in front of Kagaya. Kagaya nodded, saying to Tengen "I've been wanting to ask you something.... about your son.". Tengen widened his eyes, scared over what the question was going to be. "Have you been thinking of training your son now that he's of age?" Kagaya asked, Tengen biting his lip and looking down while muttering "....No.". "Why not? As an hashira, it's expected that he would follow in your footsteps and become a demon slayer himself." "It's just.... I don't want him to get hurt.".

"His asthma.....It gets worse as he ages." Tengen looked back up at Kagaya, noticing that he had a small smile on his face. "I understand, you're afraid that his asthma might get in the way." Kagaya told him, Tengen nodding to show that Kagaya was correct on what his fear was. "Why do you ask me this?" Tengen asked, Kagaya telling him "Because that's what M/N wants to be when he grows up.". "He...wants to be a demon slayer?" "He says that he wants to be like you and protect people like how you protect him.... It's honestly cute.". "Is he aware that he can't become one?"  Kagaya asked, Tengen going silent before saying "No.....I haven't broken it to him."

Kagaya nodded, telling Tengen "Do what is best for him.... sometimes it's the difficult choices that we have to do to keep our loved ones safe.". Tengen nodded, Kagaya saying that he was dismissed. As Tengen left, he thought about what Kagaya told him about M/N. 

"Why? Why does he want to be one?"


M/N was fast asleep on his bed when he heard his door be gently knocked on. M/N woke up, sitting up and rubbing his eyes as the door opened to reveal Tengen. "Hey...." Tengen said, M/N looking at him and saying "Hi, dad.". Tengen smiled, sitting on the bedside while M/N wrapped his arms around his neck and hugged him. "M/N....you want to be a demon slayer.... right?" Tengen asked, M/N nodding and smiling as he said "Yeah! So that I can fight alongside you!".

"Why? You know how dangerous it is...." M/N noticed Tengen's frown, Tengen muttering "Don't you remember that Rengoku lost his life....". M/N looked down and started to twiddle his fingers, not knowing what he should say. "I don't want to lose you......I already lost so many." Tengen told him, M/N kissing him and saying "But....I don't want to lose you too.". Tengen looked at him, M/N telling him "I just want to protect you.... like you do to me and so many others.". Tengen chuckled, bringing M/N into a hug and letting him cuddle into his chest.

"You're such a good boy...." Tengen said, M/N giggling as Tengen pressed him a kiss. "I love you...." Tengen whispered, M/N saying with a smile back to him "I love you too, dad.". Tengen smiled, hugging M/N tighter while he thought to himself "I.....I promise.....

That nothing will ever come to harm you......."

𝙎𝙏𝙍𝘼𝙒𝘽𝙀𝙍𝙍𝙔 𝙁𝙄𝙀𝙇𝘿𝙎 𝙁𝙊𝙍𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙍 | T. Uzui x Male Child ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now