My life part 6

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On Sunday 5th April 2015 I went to Skegness for the day with my foster family I really really enjoyed myself and I seen one of my friends who I haven't seen in two and a half years so it was good to catch up with her just not gonna wait two and a half years again to see her it was a really nice day.

On Tuesday 7th April 2015 I went to and met up with my best friend who I hadn't seen in agers and spent about 6 hours with her talking and playing football even though she kicked it at my head but it was a good day she didn't know that I was feeling suicidal but I had fun spending the day with her just can't wait to see her again but it not be just yet since I have to much to do which isn't fair because I really want to spend the day with her again.

Wednesday 8th April 2015 I went to my aunties house and spent the day there and it was really fun seeing everyone again just can't wait till next Wednesday when I will go again.

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