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    Not often do I let myself get close to people, but around Aurora I just can't help it. When we locked eyes for the first time I felt a tightening feeling in my chest and it was something I've never felt before. Yes I know I'm considered good looking for an eighteen year old and girls constantly throw themselves at me, but the way Aurora makes me feel when I'm around her is addicting. I was honestly shocked when she said that me asking her out was the first time she's ever been asked out, the woman's looks could kill. 

   I pulled up in front of her house and honked the horn then texted her I was outside. A few seconds later she walked out the door and hopped in the car. I greeted her with a smile and she returned it. "You look nice" She rolled her eyes and I smiled at her attitude. Mark my words I'm going to give her another reason to roll those eyes. I drove off to school and parked in the same spot as yesterday. I ran out and opened the door for Aurora and helped her out of the car. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders like always and we made our way inside.

   "Hey guys" Alana ran up to us smiling then frowned when she saw my arm around Aurora, I think the girls obsessed with me or something. "Hey Lan what's up?" She looked at Aurora and smiled again, "I'm throwing a party and I want you guys to come. Before you protest, you started hanging out with people again so please just think about it" Aurora gave her a nod with a tight smile and I walked her over to her locker. "So we going?" She frowned at me as she opened her locker. "I don't know. You're the only person I've been hanging out with, I don't know if i'm ready for the whole party scene yet" I nodded smiling. "Don't stress love, if you do decide you wanna go I'll be by your side the whole time" She nodded and I kissed her forehead and went to my locker. 

   Ive been trying to stop myself from being affectionate with her because I don't want to make her uncomfortable, but at the same time I want to see how far she lets me take it. I can tell she feels something for me, she just wont allow herself to feel it. I collect my things and walk back to her locker and swing my arm around her as we head to first period. We take our seats in the back and relax as our teacher starts going on about how we need to start preparing for college. 

Me: I know I told you to think about it, but your killing me here

Northern Lights: My apologies sir, think I'm gonna take a few more days tho :)

Me: Wow, you're not only rude, but evil

Northern Lights: You wouldn't have to any other way

Me: Believe me, just say the word and I'll have you over my knee ;)

Northern Lights: ...

   I chuckled to myself then smirked at Aurora who looked flush. She rolled her eyes and started writing in her notebook. "Psst" She closed her eyes, took a deep breathe, then looked at me narrowing her eyes. "What?" I smiled shaking my head, "So rude, just wanted to ask if you wanted to come over later" He face soften and she shrugged. I narrowed my eyes at her then she nodded making me smile. The rest of the day went by kind of slow, but I think that it was just because I was excited about being with Aurora even though I follow her around all day. 

   The only exciting thing was how fast rumors go around. Ryder had spread that Aurora and I were dating which technically isn't a rumor because I told him we were. Aurora didn't seem too fazed by the fact the whole school thought we were together and a part of me was happy. Alana ran up to us as we were heading to my car. "Is it true Rory?" Aurora turned to her with her brows furrowed. "Hm?" Alana sighed and looked at me. "Are you two dating?" Aurora looked at me then back at Alana. "Lan do you like him?" Alanas cheeks went pink and her eyes widened, "I uh, I'll see you two at my party tomorrow bye" She ran back into the building and Aurora looked at me while I tried to hide a laugh.

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