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   I never thought I'd find love after I was cheated on, and if we're being honest I never thought I'd find love in general. I never thought I'd know what it would feel like to want to constantly put someone else above your own needs, to be wrapped around someones finger so tight you'd do damn near anything for them. To feel completely and utterly safe in someones company and to wake up and fall asleep so easy because of the energy they provide. Marrying Aurora was always the game plan, but the time I devoted to her that lead up to that was a journey of finding out that love does exist and all of mine belongs to her, all of me belongs to her. 

   The house we bought is a lot closer to the beach house then our apartment, I believe the apartment was three hours away. Our house is only an hour away so I didn't mind what time we left. I wanted to make sure Aurora was fed and in a good mood before we hit the road, but who am I kidding on her mood, we just got married why wouldn't she be in the best mood possible. "You ready to go princess?" She smiled wide and nodded I couldn't help but plant a kiss on her soft lips, she's so fucking beautiful. I grabbed our suitcases and put them in the trunk as Aurora got in the passenger seat. Once I got in the drivers I started the car and we were on our way. I placed my hand on her thing rubbing circles against it with my thumb as she dazed off looking out the window.

   An hour later I pulled into the beach house's driveway and Aurora jumped out of the car smiling and stretching. I hopped out and popped the trunk and Aurora came to my side, "Tell me" I smirked taking our suitcases out. "Patience is virtue princess" She rolled her perfect orb's at me and pouted. "Aurora you really don't want me to punish you on our first night here, go unlock the door for me" Her cheeks turned pink and she quickly made her way to the flower pot, lifting it and taking the key to unlock the door. I closed the trunk and locked the car following behind her perfect ass and once I walked in I dropped the suitcases by the door and pulled Aurora into my chest. "It's ours".

   She rose a brow and tilted her head, "What is?" I smiled and kissed her forehead, "This house. I bought it thinking we could use it as a vacation home" Auroras jaw dropped open as she stared at me in shock, "A-are you serious?" I nodded and she squealed wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs around my torso. I chuckled as she attached herself to me and when she removed her face from my neck tears welled her eyes. "Thank you so much hot stuff" She pecked my lips and squeezed me tight. "No need to thank me princess, it was Kinda a no brainer when I saw your face light up the first time you stepped foot on the back deck" I smiled warmly at her and she kissed my cheek smiling. "You spoil me too much" I laughed shaking my head, "I barely spoil you, you'd end up letting to get to your head".

   She rolled her eyes at me and wiggled out of my arms making me grin. "So how long are we staying?" I shrugged, "As long as you want, I can work from here I have my laptop and a few documents" She nodded smiling as she walked through our new vacation home like to was the first time she saw it. "I had one growing up" She turned to me smiling, "My mom and dad would take me every summer, it wasn't on a beach like this but it had a beautiful scenery. My dad would always chase me around the house until I couldn't breath from laughter" I smiled at her as I pulled her to me wrapping my arms around her waist. "Well I personally can not wait to bring our kids here and chase them around" She looked up at me with love pooling in her eyes, "Me too" She whispered out and I kissed her forehead before she laid it against my chest. Auroras phone ringing interrupted our moment making us both sigh in annoyance. 

   "Hello?", "Yeah" She walked out of the room and I ran my hand down my face before taking our suitcases up to the bedroom, I started to unpack them just to make things easier for us since I don't know how long Aurora wants to stay. A few minutes later I had majority of our clothes in the closet. "AX?" I heard her yell from downstairs, "IN THE BEDROOM" I shouted and I heard her feet shuffle up the stairs and into the room. She plopped herself on the bed staring at me with a content smile. "Everything okay?" She nodded smiling, "Your mom wanted to come to the house, I had to tell her we're on our honeymoon" I smiled and plopped myself next to her, "I say we start this off the same as last time with me cooking for you, you know since you love to watch" Her cheeks turned pink and I smirked at her. "Okay" She smiled softly and I leaned over and pecked her lips before sitting up, "Let's get to it".

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