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   When you've had more then one partner it's hard to not find yourself comparing them from time to time. The way they love you, the way they treat you, the way they act and speak. When I was with Alec at the time I did feel like he took care of me, he treated me well and was attentive to me, but there's something about Axel that Alec lacked and I can't place my finger on it. Maybe it's the fact that Axel isn't obsessed with me, but loves me. It could be a number of things, but i've never felt as safe in someone's arms as I do in Axels and I wouldn't have it any other way.

   Love is an odd thing though when you think about it. A person could have a number of partners and love them all just as hard as the last, because love doesn't change, just the people do. I find myself wanting to give all of me to Axel, my body, mind, time, future, all of it. And what makes that even better is I know for a fact he feels the same way about me. I yearn for the future Axel and I created in our heads and I can't wait to see how it plays out. Honestly if he got down on one knee now i'd probably say yes. 

   The apartment door knocking drew me out of my thoughts and when I came back to reality I noticed that the homework I was supposed to be doing is still unfinished. The door knocks again and I jumped up scurrying to the door. "Bad time?" I shook my head smiling and let Axel in, "I was just trying to do my homework, but so got sidetracked tracked with thoughts"  He hummed and kissed me, "What kind of thoughts?" I smiled and sat back down at the table. "Oh you know, just a man" His eyebrow raises and his jaw ticks as he sits across from me. "Why do you have a man on your mind Aurora?" I giggled shaking my head, "Because I love him and all he does is take over my thoughts".

   His jaw relaxed and he smirked, "Well I think you'd be glad to know that you take over my thoughts too princess" I smiled at him and my cheeks heat up. "Are we doing something or did you just stop by to see my beautiful face?" He chuckled shaking his head. "We're doing something, although the beautiful face is a bonus" He smirked and winked at me before standing. "What are we doing?" His smirk turned to a soft smile, "The boys wanna go out for a drink" I nodded smiling and stood to go to my room. Axel followed behind me and sat on the bed as I rummaged through my drawers. I pulled out a beige cropped fuzzy sweater and a black flowy mid thigh skirt, I paired it with hightop all black converse and quickly brushed my hair out.

   I turned to Axel and he was staring at me with hooded eyes. "See something you like?" He smirked and nodded, "In fact, I see something I like every time I look at you" I smiled shaking my head and stood between his thighs resting my hands on his shoulders while he rested his on my hips. I kissed him and he smiled at me when I pulled back. "You look beautiful" I smiled at him and kissed him again. "Where are we drinking?" He stood and held me close to him. "Benny's, we'll probably play some pool too" I nodded and smiled then backed away from him while dragging my hands from from his shoulder to his hand. 

   We walked out of the apartment to Axles car and he opened the door for me like always. Once he got in he started the car and we made our way to our favorite bar. A while back Ashley told him he should add a karaoke machine and he actually listed to her so as soon as we walked in we were met with none other then Francesca and Ashley singing their hearts out to 'liven' on a prayer', I giggled when I saw them and Axel placed his hand on my lower back leading me to the table the boys were sitting at. They all took their turns hugging me and Benny came over and ruffled my hair. "Hey kid long time no see" I smiled at Benny and gave him a fist bump. 

   He returned back behind the bar and returned with a strawberry daiquiri. Ashley and Francesca came to the table laughing and they both gave me a hug. "You two sounded amazing" I laughed out and Ashley playfully punched me in the arm. After a few drinks I felt my blood warm up and the buzz took over my body. As the boys went to go play pool I took Ashley and Francesca back to the karaoke stand. "Oooo what are we singing this time" I hummed as I scrolled through the songs. "Can't help falling in love, Elvis?" Ashley smirked at Francesca and her cheeks turned pink. "Gonna take that as a yes". I clicked on the song and the instrumentals started. "Start us off Rory" Ashley winked at me and I shook my head smiling. 

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