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   This psych class is killing me. My professor has been going over the same lecture for three days because one student is having an issue grasping it. If we were still in high school the teacher would say "They aren't going to cater to your needs in college" Well here we are..... I'm going to bang my head on the desk, how do you not understand the different lobes of the brain? It's so fucking simple. I'm too fed up for this, without even giving it a second thought I gather all of my things and head to of the class. 

   "Ma'am you can't leave early" I turn to the familiar voice to see Axel leaning against the vending machine across from my classroom. "Were you waiting for me?" I asked teasingly with a coy smile. He rolled his eyes then nodded. He walked up to me and pecked my lips before wrapping his arm around me. "The gang isn't in the cafeteria, we're all kind of taking a break from hanging out" I slowly nodded and frowned. "This is because of me" He stopped walking and made me stop too. He pulled me in front of him and cupped my face. 

   "Aurora none of this is your fault, how could you think that?" I sighed and looked down. "Because everything was fine with everyone before I showed up....Then I pop up and interject myself and everything hits the fan" He shook his head with sadness in his eyes. "This isn't your fault princess, say it" I looked up at him with a pout. "Say it" His tone more demanding. "I-it's not my fault" He smiled softly, "Good girl" My cheeks heat up as he wraps his arm back around me and we head to his car. 

   "They boys are at the house?" He nodded his head and I pursed my lips. "So by us not hanging out you mean us not hanging out with the girls?" He chuckle nodding his head. "There too much, the boys actually like you being around...a little too much" His jaw clenched at the end of his sentence and he opened the door for me. I giggled getting in and he shook his head making his way to the drivers seat. The ride was quick and full of laughs between us. When he pulled into the driveway Ethan ran out and Axel sighed making me laugh. 

   I hopped out and Ethan ran up to me and picked me up twirling me. "Put her down or I'll hit you with the car." Ethan gently placed me down and threw his hands up in surrender. I laughed and Axel took my hand leading me inside. "HEY AURORA!" Evan shouted from the upstairs balcony and I waved at him. Aaron walked over from the kitchen and gave me a fist bump before plopping himself on the couch. Axel led me to the couch and we sat, him next to Aaron and Evan ran down and sat next to me. Axel's jaw ticked and I shook my head smiling. 

   "Who's winning?" Ethan asked as he came in with a bowl of popcorn. "Football is weird, why do you guys like to watch it so much?" Aaron gasped looking at me with wide eyes and Evan grabbed his heart. "Rory how many time are you going to break my heart. I don't know if I can handle it" I rolled my eyes and Axel held amusement in his face, I scuffed and turned back to the T.V. sinking my head into Axels side. The game lasted awhile and I didn't really understand the whole gist. "LET'S GOOOOO" Aaron jumped up along with Ethan. I shook my head laughing at them and Axel stood holding his hand out for me. 

   I took it and he led me to the kitchen with the boys following behind. "What are we in the mood for?" I shrugged and turned to the boys. Evan laughed, "By we he meant you gorgeous" I rolled my eyes shaking my head and Axel nodded. "Oh absolutely not, you guys aren't going to eat something just because I chose it. Get whatever you guys are in the mood for." Ethan hummed. "We're all in the mood for you.." Axel was damn near about to jump over the counter to strangle him. "To choose something....Why are you looking at me like that Ax?" Axel let out a huff and shook his head at Ethans wide grin. 

   "I'm not hungry" Aaron rolled his eyes, "Yes you are now choose something" I narrowed my eyes at Aaron. "Fine pizza" They all clapped and Aaron ruffled my hair. 

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