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   If you asked me where I thought I'd be at 23 years old I would definitely not have said 'married to the love of my life earning a PHD and trying for a kid'. I would not have said 'friends with the most amazing people I've ever met who have gone to follow their dreams'. I probably would have said something along the lines of 'I don't know', in all honesty I never saw myself becoming the person I am today and it's crazy to think that at a point in my life I was so alone that I never saw myself having a family like I do now, because thats what they are. Aaron, Ashley, Rachel, Evan, and Ethan are my family and Axel, Axel is my everything. Something I also never saw coming was falling in love again with someone who is so utterly infatuated with me.

   I love everything about him, the way he looks at me when I'm not paying attention, the way his hands know every inch of my body, the way just being next to him makes me feel 10 times safer, the way he makes sure I'm okay even when he's not, the way he makes me flustered on purpose, the way his lips feel against mine, the way he protects me, I could go on and on about how I'm the luckiest girl in the world for being in his life, let alone marrying him. I can't wait for the day we're both sitting watching our kids play in the backyard of our home feeling fully content with life. "What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" I look up to Axel with a tilted head holding a mug of coffee, his muscles on perfect display as he leans against the kitchen counter with his sweatpants handing low on his v-line. 

   "Nothing just zoned out" I smiled at him and he nods sipping his coffee, "My eyes are up here princess" My cheeks turned pink as my eyes pan up to his and he flashes a devilish smirk. I clear my throat and stand, "I'm well aware" He chuckles as I step into the living room, he tailed behind me and when I sat on the couch he plopped himself next to me. "So we've been here for like two weeks already" I nodded looking at him, "Wanna go home?" He shrugged, "It's up to you" I nodded again, "I'll start packing" He shook his head, "No, only if you really want to go home" I put my hand on his thigh rubbing it, "You have to get back to the office, we'll head back in the morning" He frowned at me, "I don't have to get back to anything, if you want to stay we'll stay" I smiled and kissed his cheek. "I want to go home hot stuff".


   As soon as we walked through the doors I dropped myself down on the couch smiling, "I missed this place" Axel chuckled placing our bags down and dropping his body on top of mine shoving his face in my neck. "Me too" He mumbled against me as my hands went to his hair playing with it. As we laid together Axels phone started to ring and he groaned cursing under his breath while getting off of me. He answered it walking into his home office and I grabbed our bags and brought them up to our bedroom. I started to unpack everything putting it all where it belonged, then I put the suitcases in the hall so I can remember to put them back in the attic. I made my way back downstairs and Axels office door was still closed so I headed to the kitchen and decided to start lunch. 

   The fridge was close to empty because we were gone for so long, but we did have a few ingredients for Alfredo sauce so I quickly boiled some linguine and made Alfredo. Once everything was cooked I put the noodles in the sauce and took it off the burner, moving it to one that wasn't used. I covered the pan and left it on the stove and there was a knock on the front door. I quickly washed my hands and went to the front door as Axel walked out of his office behind me. I opened the door and a man in an expensive suit stood before me, "Can I help you?" The man smiled as Axel came up behind me, "We're doing home visits now Kingston?" Axel smiled wide as the man chuckled shaking his hand, "Please come in".

   I opened the door wider allowing the man in our home per Axels request, "This is my wife Aurora, Aurora this is Kingston Raymond. He's one of our best investments" I smiled at Kingston and he smiled back. "Nice to meet you" He held his hand out and I shook to with a nod, "Likewise".  Axel patted his back and led him to his office closing the door behind him and I went back to the kitchen to clean it up. As I grabbed two glasses and filled them with some ice before pouring whiskey in them, my head became a little fuzzy. I took them to Axels office and knocked once holding both glasses in one hand, then opened the door placing the gasses down on Axels desk. "Thank you princess" He took my hand pulling me onto his lap. Kingston smirked taking the whiskey and sipping on it. "You two make a beautiful couple" I blushed as Axel grinned, "I think so too" He laughed out before taking and sipping his whiskey.

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