Chapter 2~Great Feast

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word count: 1k
Mattheo POV:
Mattheo was walking with his bags towards the school with Theodore.

"dude do actually like her or are you just flirting for the shits and giggles?" Theodore asks.

"i mean have you seen her? shes literally gorgeous. she doesnt like me like that." Mattheo answers sadly.

"then tell her how you feel. if she rejects you, she rejects you, then you move on. if she doesnt reject you then boom. youre in." Theodore says.

"yeah i guess youre right." Mattheo agrees.

"then go tell her how you feel. like go. now." Theodore forces, shoving Mattheo towards where Bailey is walking.

'shit' Mattheo thinks. 'this is not gonna be a good way to start it off'

Mattheo walks it off and looks around casually to see where Bailey is. He sees her looking at him and they make eye contact. He holds her eye contact and stops walking so she can catch up to him.

Baileys POV:
she sees Mattheo get shoved by Theodore. 'huh. weird', Bailey thinks. as shes looking at him he suddenly turns around and looks at her. he makes eye contact and holds it. 'is he waiting for me?' she thinks as he stops walking, looking back at her.

"hey Bailey." Mattheo says when she gets up to him.

"hey Rattymatty, whats up?" Bailey asks, smiling.

"im gonna ignore that. so how was the train ride up for you?" Mattheo questions.

"did you just seriously ask me how the train was? what kinda conversation would that be?" Bailey teases.

"i dont know to be honest, it just kinda came out of my mouth. i feel, like, nervous right now." Mattheo admits, scratching the back of his head.

"why? do i make you nervous Theo?" Bailey asks, softly, touching his forearm and looking into his deep brown eyes.

"hell fucking yeah you do." Mattheo responds, holding her eye contact. just something about the way he looks at her just gives her butterflies in her stomach. 'shit whys he actually cute.' Bailey thinks.

they get to the carriages that will take them to the school.

"Lee, you getting in a carriage with us?" Pansy asks.

"nah ima get one with Mattheo." she replies. Bailey glances at Mattheo and sees a slight smile on his face.

the next carriage pulls up and Mattheo and Bailey climb in. Sakura hoots in joy, knowing shes nearly back in Hogwarts.

"so whyd you wanna take a carriage with me over your friends?" Mattheo asks, smirking.

"oh i dont know just liked our conversation from earlier and didnt wanna end it." Bailey replies, looking up at Mattheo through her eyelashes.

the rest of the way to Hogwarts they sit in silence, but not awkward silence, more of a comfortable silence. Bailey feels comfortable and safe around him for reasons she cannot explain. she hates this guy- why does she feel so comfortable around him? she really cant put her finger on it.

they arrive on the grounds of Hogwarts and bring their luggage into the Entrance Hall to be brought up to their dorm rooms.

the Slytherins walk into the Great Hall and sit at the Slytherin Table. Bailey sees Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny at the Gryffindor table and waves at them. They all smile and wave back. Bailey sits next to Pansy and Mattheo sits next to her, him sitting beside Theodore Nott. 

"for our new students, Welcome to Hogwarts, for our old students, Welcome back to Hogwarts. Professor McGonagall has gone to get the Sorting Hat to sort our First Years into their houses. she'll shall be down momentarily, until then, you may chat amongst yourself." Albus Dumbledore, the principal of Hogwarts, announces.

Bailey and Pansy turn towards each other and starts talking.

"hows the bet going Bail?" Pansy teases. 

"shhh be quiet, its going good so far though." Bailey whispers to Pansy.

just then, the Great Hall doors open and Professor McGonagall with the Sorting Hat.

"Welcome students of Hogwarts." Professor McGonagall announces. "we are ready to commence the Sorting Ceremony."

Professor McGonagall brings out the stool for the students to sit on as theyre sorted into their houses.

"Allard, Marcus"  was the first name called. Marcus got sorted into Ravenclaw.

another few names go by as Bailey zones out. she always finds the Sorting Ceremony boring.
She hears a few names and theyre houses clapping as they get sorted.

"Pets, Senna"  McGonagall calls. the little first year was sorted into Slytherin. Bailey claps along with the other Slytherins.

"And finally, Rivers, Veronica". Rivers was sorted into Hufflepuff.

"Thank you, Professor McGonagall." Professor Dumbledore said. McGonagall nods her head at him in appreciation. "May the feast... begin." Dumbledore says, as food magically appears on the 4 long tables.

"finally" Mattheo says beside her, and she giggles.

after filling her plate you tuck into her food, while talking to the other Slytherins, out of nowhere she feel a hand on her thigh. confused, Bailey looks at the hand and see its Mattheos hand. her stomach swarms with butterflies as his hand rests in her thigh. Bailey looks up at him and hes in deep conversation with Theodore. she smiles to herself and go back to eating.

once everyone has finished eating their dinners, the deserts appear on the tables. Bailey grabs a spoonful of jelly and vanilla ice cream and start eating it.

"Bailey." Mattheo says, laughing slightly.

"hm?" she says, looking up at him.

Mattheo puts his hand on her cheek and runs his thunb along her lips. she looks down at his thumb and see ice cream on it.

"oops." she says.

"oops indeed." Mattheo laughs, putting the thumb in his mouth and licking the ice cream off. Bailey can feel her stomach, once again, fill up with butterflies for the 3rd time this evening.

after that, the students left the hall to go to their dorms. Bailey was so tired she just went straight up to her room, got into her pajamas and went straight to bed.

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