Chapter 17- Night Time (⚠️SMUT WARNING⚠️)

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word count: 1k
Baileys POV:
"what the fuck were you thinking? what if someone noticed?" Bailey demanded when they went up for bed. she takes off her boots, sitting on her bed.

"you looked too good, i couldnt wait any longer." Mattheo replies, smirking. he puts his hands on her thigh.

"shut the fuck up." Bailey says, pushing him off her. "you couldnt wait?" she adds. Bailey starts pushing him backwards towards the bed. "consider this payback." Bailey smirks, as he falls back onto the bed.

"what are you-" Mattheo starts. he stops when she sees that Bailey is slowly taking off her t-shirt.

Bailey pulls her top over her head, leaving her in her bra and skirt.

"i am loving this show." Mattheo groans. Bailey smiles at him and moves her hands down her to her skirt waistline. she pulls out of the on the sides and then slowly lowers them off her body.

she walks over to where Mattheo is lying down, leaning up on his elbows. she leans on his shoulders and swings her legs over his, sitting on his lap.

"oh fuck." he says, under his breath. Bailey starts to move her hips against his, letting out a breathy moan. she grinds against him, getting faster and faster, drawing grunts and groans out of Mattheos mouth.

"fuck Bailey, that feels so good." Mattheo cries out. the sounds Mattheo is making, is causing Bailey to want to go faster.

"if you keep doing that, im gonna cum." Mattheo says, grabbing Bailey by her hips and moves her faster on his dick.

"no touching. you lost those privileges when you fingered me infront of my family." Bailey complains, grabbing his hands off her hips.

"dont be like that darling." Mattheo teases.

"i will be like that." Bailey smirks. Mattheo groans.

"oh fuck, im about to cum." he moans. Bailey stops and gets off him.

"what the fuck Bail?" Mattheo questions, sitting up.

"you didnt think it would be that easy, would you?" Bailey mocks, biting her lip. Mattheo gets off the bed and walks over to her. Grabbing her hands, he pins her against the wall, towering over her.

he leans down to whisper in her ear; "youre gonna regret that."

Mattheo, still holding Baileys hands above her head, moves one of his hands down her side, slowly. Bailey feels her breath hitch.

suddenly, Mattheo spins Bailey around, so shes on her bed with her hands still pinned in his one hand. Mattheos other hand is tearing off Baileys underwear.

he gets them off and throws them across the room, and without any more hesitation, he goes straight into eating her out.

"oh fuck Mattheo." Bailey moans, grabbing his head and pushing it into her pussy. Mattheos tongue swirls around her clit. he sucks and licks, teasing Bailey.

"youre close aren't you?" Mattheo says, lifting his head.

"no." Bailey lies- however Mattheo sees through the false statement. he stops altogether, standing up, walking to the other side of the room and leaning against the wall.

"fuck you." Bailey grunts, under her breath.

"you want to, though, dont you? you want me to fuck you like the little slut you are." Mattheo smirks.

"why dont you come over her and find out Matty?" she teases. he pushes off the wall, marching over to where shes lying down, leaning on her elbows to see him, and kisses her, roughly. Mattheo pushes her back so shes lying flat on her back and he moves to between her legs.

he unbuckles his belt, taking off his trousers and boxers. he positions himself at Baileys entrance.

"you ok with this?" he double checks.

"just fuck me already." she confirms. Mattheo pushes himself into her, stilling so Bailey can adjust to his size.

"im ready, you can move now." she says softly. Mattheo starts pushing himself in and out of Bailey slowly. his hand on her breast, while his other hand is holding hers above her head.

"faster Mattheo, please." Bailey begs. Mattheo follows her wishes, now pounding into Bailey, so much so that the headboard of the bed is banging against the wall. Mattheo lets go of Baileys hands to put his hand inbetween the bed and the wall as not to alert Sirius who is merely few feet below them, in bed.

"fuckkk." Bailey groans, moving her hands to her breasts, playing with them.

"youre so hot." Mattheo informs her. she simply just smiles in response.

Mattheo takes his other hand and moves it inbetween Baileys legs to play with her clit. he rubs circles and figure 8s onto her skin, causing her to moan even louder.

"id quiet down if i were you, dont want Sirius to suspect anything, hm?" Mattheo teases, smirking. Bailey rolls her eyes at him.

"that was hot." Mattheo jokes, still smirking.

"shut up." Bailey says. Bailey feels her walls starting to clench around Mattheos cock.

"im gonna cum." she tells him.

"wait for me, dont cum without me." Mattheo demands. Bailey tries to hold off her orgasm for as long as possible while Mattheo is pounding into her at a bruising pace. how he can even go that fast is beyond Bailey.

"i- i cant hold it, please can i cum?" she begs. Mattheo nods in response and Bailey lets herself go on his cock. Mattheo pulls out and Bailey jumps up and starts sucking him off.

"oh fuck, fuck Bailey." Mattheo moans. Bailey moans around his cock sending vibrations through Mattheos body.

Bailey feels Mattheo release down her throat, and she swallows it. Mattheo removes himself from her mouth, lying down beside her.

"fuckkk." he breathes out, moving to put his arm around her.

"i love you." Bailey says, turning to face him.

"i love you too." Mattheo replies, smiling. he kisses her softly on the nose. he gets up from the bed and throws on his boxers and trousers, leaving the room. Bailey leans up on her elbows to see where hes gone. he comes back a minute later with a wet cloth. he lightly cleans Bailey off, cleaning around her mouth also.

"thank you Matty." she says, smiling. the exhaustion dawns on her, and she feels it take over.

"goodnight darling." Bailey faintly hears Mattheo say, and she feels his lips on her forehead.

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