Chapter 9~ Thursday

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word count: 1.1k
Mattheos POV:
Mattheo cant believe how excited Bailey was all day for the quidditch tryouts. he found it insanely cute. she was all jumpy and happy all day. Bailey Black never is a morning person, but today she was up early, being all enthusiastic about the day.

"i cannot wait for classes to be over." Bailey says.

"yeah, i think Snapes not give us homework for it." Pansy adds.

"oooh yay." Bailey replies, all excited. Mattheo smiles at her excitement. Theodore kicks Mattheo lightly under the table to get his attention. Mattheo looks at him in confusion. Theo mouths 'simp' at him. Mattheo rolls his eyes at him.

Baileys POV:
the day goes so slow. Bailey was so uninterested in all classes. finally after the classes were finished, Bailey gets straight into her quidditch robes and grabs her Firebolt that Sirius got her last Christmas.

she meets up with Mattheo and Pansy in the common room to go down to the Quidditch field. Mattheo is trying out for Beater and Pansy is going to cheer them on.

the Slytherin captain, Marcus Flint is at the pitch beside Snape, deep in conversation. presumably about the tryouts.

"alright we'll start with people trying out for Beaters." Flint says, walking forward, towards the Slytherins. Mattheo walks up to the pitch.

"good luck Matty." Bailey calls. Mattheo mounts his broom, kicking off, his beater bat in his other hand. Flint throws the Bludger up in the air. Mattheo has to protect another person on the team for his tryouts.

after the Beaters tryouts are finished, Flint calls for the people trying out for seekers.

"good luck Lee." Pansy says, clapping.

"thanks." Bailey replies. she was extremely anxious but excited at the same time.

Mattheo, lands, and runs up to Bailey. "good luck, love." he says, giving her a kiss on her forehead.

Bailey walks up to Flint. "hey, im trying out for seeker." she tells him.

"you? but youre... a girl..." Flint points out.

"yeah no shit Flint. im trying out for seeker." Bailey demands, pissed off.

"fine, dont come crying to me if you dont get it." Flint shrugs off.

Bailey rolls her eyes. 'some people' she thinks.

she mounts her broom, and kicks off. Bailey notices how many people there are, all trying out for Seeker. she sees Draco flying around on his Nimbus 2001. for the seekers, all the people trying out all have to go after the one Golden Snitch.

Bailey flys up high into the sky and starts scouting out the Snitch. she spots it and slowly dives down, casually as not to alert the other students. when she was close enough to it, she dives and grabs it. Snape blows his whistle, signalling for the end of the seekers tryouts.

"congratulations ms Black, you have caught the Snitch, meaning you have got the place of seeker." Snape says, as Bailey lands.

"thank you, Professor." Bailey smiles. Snape nods in response. Bailey runs over to Mattheo and hugs him. Bailey sees Draco standing around, awkwardly, out of the corner of her eye.

"i got seeker!" she shouts, happily, ignoring Draco. Mattheo hugs her back, his hands resting on her hips.

"congratulations love, you did so good." Mattheo smiles.

"well done, Lee." Pansy says.

"thank you." Bailey replies, still smiling.

Harry, Hermione and Ron come down from the stands.

"well done Bailey, you did so well. i cant wait to battle it out for the Snitch in a match." Harry says, holding his hand up for a high five.

"thanks Harbar." Bailey responds.

"Harbar?-" Harry asks.

"dont question it, Bailey calls me Rattymatty." Mattheo laughs. "youll get used to it." he adds.

"well done." Hermione says smiling.

"thank you, im so happy." Bailey smiles. she cant stop smiling.

after tryouts, Mattheo and Bailey go to the common room.

"im going to go have a shower, ill see you in a while." Bailey announces, leaving her broom in the corner of the common room. she leaves and goes to the school shower room. she grabs a towel and goes to the nearest stall, hanging her towel on the hook outside the shower. Bailey locks the door and spells it so no one can open it. she turns on the hot water and starts washing her hair. she runs her fingers through her long brown hair.

when she finished, she unspells the door and unlocks it. she grabs her towels and wraps it around herself. she goes to the changing room and dries herself and gets into her normal clothes.

Bailey walks back to the Common room. on her way, she meets Draco.

"congratulations on getting seeker." he says, sourly. he's mad that he didnt get seeker and Bailey knows it.

"what position did you get?" she questions.

"chaser." Draco replies.

"thats still good." she says, walking off. Draco takes the hint and doesnt follow her.  

when she gets back to the common room, she doesnt see Mattheo. 'maybe he went for a shower.' she thinks. Bailey walks up the stairs to her dorm room. she goes into her dorm room and sees a piece of parchment sitting on her bed.

"is it a note?" she asks herself, out loud. she walks over to the bed and picks up the note.

"meet me in the Astronomy tower at midnight- M"

Bailey smiles. she waits up until 11:50pm and then walks to the Astronomy tower. she gets there at 11:56pm and waits for midnight.

"surprised you came." says a voice. Bailey turns around and sees Mattheo.

"well here i am." Bailey points out, motioning to herself, laughing.

"so i brought you here so we could watch the stars together." Mattheo says, awkwardly.

"thats so cute, i love looking at stars." Bailey smiles.

they sit on the edge of the tower, dangling their legs over the ledge and look up at the stars. while theyre looking at the stars, Bailey looks at Mattheo, staring at hin for a little while.

"the stars are up there." he says, not looking away from the stars.

"yeah, sorry." Bailey stutters, looking back up at the stars. she can see him looking at her from the corner of her eye. she smirks.

Bailey looks at him, making eye contact. she sees his eyes flick down to her lips and back up to her eyes. he leans it and kisses her lightly. she kisses him back. they pull apart and stare at each other.

this was how Bailey knew she had fallen for Mattheo Riddle- the person she had hated most in Hogwarts, now the person she fallen for.

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