Chapter 10~ Making the Dresses

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*theres a 2 week time skip*
word count: 1k
Baileys POV:
Bailey had all the materials needed to make both her own dress and Pansys. she starts with Pansys dress. she gets out her sewing machine and and starts stitching the top part of the dress together. for the front of it, Pansy wanted the front to be higher than the back so thats just what Bailey does. Pansy is sitting beside Mattheo on the couch.

"Pan, what do you think of this?" Bailey asks.

"oh it looks so good. are you able to do the lace on top of it?" Pansy questions.

"yeah, i was just about to." Bailey says. she gets into putting the lace on. she stitches it to the top of the dress. Bailey then gets started on the skirt. she gets the fabric, previously cut from her fabric and stitches along the sides of the fabric to make the skirt. once she bas a skirt shape made, she adds it to the top. when shes finished she shows Pansy.

"i love it!" Pansy shouts happily

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"i love it!" Pansy shouts happily.

"its really nice, well done baby." Mattheo smiles at Bailey. she smiles back.

"thanks Matty. im gonna go upstairs and make my one." she says.

"still not letting me see?" Mattheo asks, innocently.

"yup, you'll see in a week and a half dont worry." Bailey smiles. she gathers up her materials and her sewing machine and goes up to her dorm room.

she lays her sewing machine on her desk and places the excess material from Pansys dress on the bed. she gets started on her dress. she starts by cutting up her material. she decided to wear a tightly cut dress that will show off her curves. she starts stitching it all together, making the shape. she cuts two very thin pieces of material to make straps for the dress. she adds them and then finished up with her dress.

"thats cute" Bailey thinks out loud. shes very happy with how it came out.

she goes down to the common room, back to Pansy and Mattheo. Pansy squeals in excitement when she sees Bailey. Bailey sits down beside Mattheo, laughing at Pansys reaction.

"im gonna go see it." says Pansy going up to see it.

Draco, Theodore and Blaise come in from dinner.

"hey Mattheo, Bailey." Theodore says, sitting on a couch opposite the couple. Draco and Blaise join him on the couch.

"hey Theo." Mattheo replies, whereas Bailey just nods at him.

"so what are you two up to?" Theodore asks, curiously. Mattheo just shrugs his shoulders, his hand ending up on Baileys thigh.

"i just made me and Pansys dresses for the ball." Bailey says, making conversation.

"she wont let me see her dress though." Mattheo adds, angrily.

"how many times have i told you? i want it to be a surprise, it'll be better seeing your raw reaction to the dress." Bailey tells him, for the 5th time.

"yeah, but i wanna know what it looks like." Mattheo complains.

"you'll see if very soon baby dont worry." she says, kissing his forehead. he smiles slightly.

"ooooh Mattheo, you've gone red." Draco teases. Blaise and Theodore laugh at him.

"shut up, no i havent, you always say this." Mattheo shouts, covering his face. Pansy comes back down after that, and sits beside Bailey.

"whats going on?" she whispers to Bailey.

"oh just i kissed Mattheo on the forehead and now the boys are teasing him." Bailey whispers back.

"ah ok, i love the dress btw." Pansy adds. "you'll look so pretty." she smiles. Bailey smiles back at her

"its ok Mattheo, youre just a wickle simp for your gwirlfriend." Blaise adds, in the tone of voice you'd use with a baby. Bailey shoots him a death stare. he backs off at her look.

just then, the Quidditch captain walks up to Mattheo, Bailey and Draco.

"were playing Gryffindor tomorrow at 3:20. be there for 3 for warmup." Flint announces. Flint has been really cold towards Bailey since she got seeker- hes pissed she proved him wrong.

"ok, we'll be there." Bailey says.

"good, tell the teacher of your last class that you have to leave 10 minutes earlier to get ready for the match." he states, walking off after.

"a man of many words." Pansy says, making the group laugh.

"so Pansy, who are you going to the Ball with?" Bailey asks. Bailey knows that Pansy has the biggest crush on Blaise.

"oh i dont know, probably you and Mattheo." she says awkwardly.

"well, you need a date." Bailey announces.

"yes i know that, just i dont know who." Pansy replies. Bailey looks at Blaise, making eye contact. she looks at Pansy then and back at Blaise. Blaise follows her eyes, then looks back at her, clearly getting her hint.

"later." he mouths at Bailey. Bailey cannot help but smile. her job as matchmaker is complete.

"Draco, who are you asking?" Mattheo asks.

"probably Astoria to be honest." Draco says.

"so youre telling me, i have to ASK someone to the ball with me?" Theo questions.

"well yeah, thats how it works smartass." Bailey teases.

"i dont know who to ask, i dont wanna be the only person there in the group, without someone." Theodore adds, starting to panic.

"ill find you someone dont worry Theo, i got you. what are your thoughts on Ginny Weasley?" Bailey smirks. out of the corner of her eye, she sees Draco open his mouth to say something, but decides against it.

"eh shes ginger." Theo points out.

"wow no shit sherlock, anything else?" Bailey asks sarcastically.

"i mean yeah shes pretty, but would she go with me?" Theo says.

"dont worry Theo, ill set you up." Bailey says. Mattheo laughs beside her.

"shes ginger." he quotes, laughing at his friend.

"shut up, you were blushing over a little fucking forehead kiss 10 minutes ago." Theodore snaps. everyone laughs at how defensive Theo gets.

"ill ask her tomorrow at lunch and get back to ya, dont worry buddy, ill find you someone." Bailey laughs.

"should i be scared?" Theodore asks Mattheo.

"quite possibly." Mattheo responds, laughing.

"well shit." Theo says, causing everyone to laugh at him again.

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