Chapter 19~ Dumbledores Army

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word count: 781
Mattheos POV:
he had no idea about the secret group of students, run by Harry, Ron and Hermione called Dumbledores Army. the group is to teach students actual Defence Against the Dark Arts since theyre not getting the information from their teacher.

Umbridge has taken over the school, created the Inquisitorial Squad, kicked Dumbledore out and so much more. she has ruined Hogwarts. Mattheo had no idea Bailey was involved with this group, since she never mentioned it. he gets it of course, Umbridge banned all groups unless they were approved by her. he just doesn't understand why she never told him.

"i knew if you knew you'd get involved but shes getting suspicious of whatever is going on, so i was hoping if i didnt tell you, you wouldn't get involved and possibly hurt. this woman is a psychopath who doesnt care about the health of the students. i just dont want you to get hurt." Bailey says, when he confronts her about it.

however, Mattheo does decided to join. he goes with Bailey to the next meeting in the Room of Requirement. everyone was giving him weird looks, besides from Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and the Weasley twins. they all knew that his parents were Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange, but he didnt care. he was there to learn how to defend himself like the rest of them. today, they were doing Patronus Charms.

"think of a memory that makes you feel so happy, and then use that happy energy to produce the Patronus. the incantation is 'Expecto Patronum'. go on, try it for yourself." Harry says, to the group. Mattheo tries, and tries, but he just cant get it right. Bailey sees him struggling and goes up to him.

"it can be any memory, even from your childhood, just anything where emotion is strong. you can do this Mattheo. i know you can." Bailey whispers in his ear. he takes a deep breath.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM" he shouts, and to his surprise, he sees a light coming out from the end of his wand, taking the shape of a snake- ironic, isnt it? he smiles.

"i knew you had it in you! you did a full body patronus, those things are so hard. well done Matty." Bailey smiles, kissing him on the cheek.

"fantastic work Mattheo, full body in your first session. well done, really." Harry says, encouragingly, as he walks by.

after the Dumbledore Armys meeting, Bailey runs up to Mattheo as they walk towards the door to leave, behind a bunch of other people.

"i cannot believe you produced a full body on your first attempt. it took me weeks to even produce the shield form. but to get a full body in your first session? what was your thought because holy shit it had a lot of emotion." Bailey asks, looping her hand into the crease of Mattheos elbow.

he smiles. "well, i thought of when you came down the stairs on the night of the ball and when i saw you in your dress, walking towards me, all done up, looking like a literal model, and i knew that you were my girlfriend." he says. Bailey blushes. they get to the door and she turns to face him.

"i love you, dummy." she smiles, pressing herlips against his. Mattheo smirks into the kiss, grabbing Bailey by the waist and pulling her closer.

"ew, get a room, gosh, that is not the first thing i wanna see when i walk out of practise." Harry teases. they pull apart and Bailey shoves Harry, playfully. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom appear out of the Room of Requirement.

"andddd ive lost my appetite." Ron says.

"no you havent, you always have an appetite." Hermione adds, laughing. Rons ears go red as everyone laughs at Hermiones joke.

"that wasnt funny." he says, seriously, causing the group to laugh even more. they start walking back to the dormitories.

suddenly, some of the group feels arms grab their own arms. everyone but Bailey and Mattheo were grabbed. they turn around and see Professor Umbridge along with the Inquisitorial Squad.

without a word to Bailey and Mattheo, Umbridge and the Inquisitorial Squad drag the rest of the group off to her office. Bailey goes to grab at Hermiones arm, who is being held by Crabbe. Mattheo holds her back.

"we will help them, dont worry. just dont kick up a fuss. thats exactly what she wants." he whispers in Baileys ear, calming her down. she goes limp.

"what is she going to do with them?" she asks, turning to face Mattheo, her eyes heavy with tears.

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