Chapter 15: Break

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word count: 1.1k
Baileys POV:
Bailey wakes up around half 9, and she gets up and gets changed into the clothes she left out to wear on the train. she puts her pyjamas back into her bed. the train is leaving at 10, so she goes down to the common room to talk with her friends and to go down to breakfast with them.

Mattheos POV:
"so youre telling me. Sirius invited YOU HIMSELF to spend Christmas with them?" Theodore questions, shocked.

"yeah, i know, im shocked myself. but like im nervous. im meeting Baileys dad. who literally hates my dad." Mattheo replies. he feels so nervous to meet her dad. hes excited, but nervous. Mattheo finishes packing and goes down to the common room, seeing Bailey and walking over to her.

"hey love." Mattheo says, kissing her lightly on her head.

"hey Matty. you excited to meet Sirius?" Bailey asks, smiling.

"hella nervous. but yeah, im excited as well." Mattheo responds. Bailey smiles at him.

"im sure he'll love you." Bailey says. they go down for breakfast and enjoy their breakfast at the Slytherin table before they leave. Mattheo puts his arm around her and places it on her waist.

Mattheo and Bailey walk to the dorms to gather their belongings to go home for the 2 week break, as Snape walks into the Slytherin common room.

"good morning students. those of you who are leaving to go home may go to Hogsmede to catch the train back to London now." he announces and with that, turns on his heel, walking out of the common room, his robe billowing out behind him.

some of the other Slytherins get up to leave, as well as Mattheo and Bailey.

"here, ill hold that for you." Mattheo says, taking Sakura in her cage for Bailey. she was struggling with her suitcase so he thought he'd help her out.

"thank you Matty." Bailey smiles. he feels himself automatically smiling back at her.

'you really are head over heels for her.' Mattheo thinks.

the students walk to Hogsmede, catch the Hogwarts Express back to Kingscross Station in London.

Bailey POV:
"Matty listen. theres no need to be worried. i promise you. Sirius will be accepting of you, it might just take him a minute to fully become aware of the situation. hes going to love you." Bailey tells him as the train pulls into Platform 9 and three quarters.

they get off train and Bailey cranes her neck to find Sirius. she spots him and points him out to Mattheo.

"Sirius!" Bailey says as they get closer. the man turns, and his face brightens.

"Bailey! oh Bailey, i missed you so much! are you ok? how are you feeling after your fall?" Sirius asks, hugging her tight. she hugs him back just as tight.

"im fine. all thanks to Mattheo." Bailey adds, motioning to Mattheo. "he caught me, dad. he saved me from myself." she says, turning to look at him.

"i see." Sirius responds.

"hi mr Black, its very nice to meet you." Mattheo says politely, sticking out his hand to shake Sirius's. Bailey smiles at him encouragingly. she can see how nervous he is meeting Sirius.

Sirius takes Mattheos hand and shakes it slightly then lets go.

"ah Sirius, there you are." says a voice. Bailey turns around and sees ms Weasley, walking towards them with the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione. "its lovely to see you Bail." she adds, spotting Bailey.

the group travel back to Number 12 Grimmauld Place.

"Bailey, dear, we are slightly tight for space, so if it would be ok with you, you could sleep up in the attic, with Mattheo. we'll bring a bed up for you two." ms Weasley offers.

"yeah thats perfect Molly, thank you." Bailey replies, smiling.

"ah, thats not perfect Molly. i dont want Bailey sharing a room with a boy." Sirius cuts in.

"theres no more space, Sirius. theres no choice. besides, nothing will happen. right kids?" Molly argues. the couple both agree. after Sirius finally allows Mattheo and Bailey to share a room, the adults get started on the dinner.

"come on, ill show you where the attic is." Bailey says, picking up her luggage and carrying it upstairs.

"here, Lee, need some help?" the twins offer, Apparating to the top of the stairs infront of Bailey.

"sure, we could use some help." Bailey accepts. George takes one of Baileys bags and Disapparates to the Attic. Fred grabs Sakuras cage and also Disapparates.

"you'll get use to it, they do it all the time. Molly really hates it." Bailey laughs, taking a bag from Mattheo to loosen his load.

Mattheos POV:
he feels so out of place here. everyone knows each other so well, so much so that he feels like an outsider. Bailey has tried her hardest to include him. after dinner, made by ms Weasley, Mattheo brings his plate to the kitchen. theres is a spelled plate and brush to clean the plates. Mattheo adds his plate to the small stack of dirty dishes and goes back to the dining table. Sirius and Bailey are playing wizards chess. Mattheo sits beside Bailey. Bailey beats Sirius in her match.

"do you want a go Matty?" Bailey offers.

"oh no, its ok, i dont know how to play because mum and dad-" Mattheo trails off. he doesnt want to turn the evening into a sob story.

"ill teach you." Sirius says.

"oh are you sure mr Black? its fine, if its too much hassle-" Mattheo begins.

"no no, its fine boy. come here and ill teach you." he says. Mattheo walks up to him and sits beside him. Sirius then goes through the rules with him, all the names of the pieces and plays a match with him. as Mattheo expected, Sirius wins.

"you nearly had me with your knight there. if you had moved your knight to f3, you would've won." Sirius compliments, smiling. Mattheo smiles back at him. he realises how lucky Bailey is to have such a loving, caring man as her father figure in her life. he looks at Bailey, whos sitting talking to Hermione and Ginny. when Mattheo looks at her, Bailey was already looking at him, smiling.

"youve had a long day, im sure your tired, so just go on to bed." ms Weasley says to all the kids, after Mattheo and Sirius played a few more games of wizards chess. Bailey stands up and walks over to Mattheo and they go upstairs together. Mattheo goes into his trunk and pull out his pyjama bottoms, and takes off his shirt. Bailey grabs her pyjamas, and they get changed and hop into bed. Mattheo was just drifting off to sleep when he feels the duvet get slightly moved off him and then someone lie beside him. Bailey had gone into his bed for cuddles and fell asleep.

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