Chapter 6~ Slytherin Common Room

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word count: 1k
Baileys POV:
Mattheo, Draco, Pansy, Theodore and Bailey are all sitting in the common room, just relaxing. Mattheo and Bailey are sitting beside each other, Mattheos hand resting on her thigh, Pansy, Draco and Theodore sitting on the opposite couch. the group of Slytherins are just talking about the first day.

"i fucking hate Umbridge. shes such a shit teacher." Pansy says.

"agreed, her detentions are literally the worst aswell." Bailey remarks, while looking at her cut hand. the cream Hermione made, really helped with the pain.

"yeah, fucking bitch." Mattheo says.

"she seems like the type of person to-" Theo began but was interrupted by a tapping on the window. everyone turned to the window from which they heard the sound.

"its Sakura!" Draco announces. Bailey runs to the window to let her in. Sakura nips Baileys finger in a gently loving way. nipping on someones finger is her way of saying hello.

"hi Sakura, do you have Sirius response?" Bailey asked.

Sakura holds out her leg for Bailey to take her letter off her leg.

"go on up to the Owlery and take a rest, ill get a school owl to send my letter back to Sirius." Bailey tells Sakura, opening the window for Sakura to fly out.

she opens the letter.

Im glad to know you got to Hogwarts and are ok. Im also glad youre sticking up for Harry- you've always been such a kind girl. you did the right thing in leaving. Im so proud of you.
Im not sure how I feel about you hanging out with Mattheo Riddle given his families reputation, but its your life, and I cant stop you.
The house feels so empty without you. I really miss you already. I gave Sakura some water and some of her favourite treats when she was here, so dont worry, she was well looked after. Molly and Arthur Weasley say hello.

Bailey reads the letter and smiles to herself. she is so grateful that Sirius was the person who found her, she doesnt know what she could do without him.

"does anyone have a quill?" she asks her friends.

"yeah, ill grab it for you." Mattheo says, running over to where his homework is laying. he grabs the quill and walks over to Bailey. he hands it to her.

"dont worry, its a normal quill, not like the one Umbridge gave us." he laughs. Bailey giggles at his joke.

"thank you Matty." Bailey says, kissing him on the cheek.

she hears wolf whistles from the guys and turns around to death stare them.

"ooooh mAtTy yOuVe gOnE aLl rEd." Theodore teases.

"no i havent, shut up." Mattheo immediately replies. Pansy and Bailey make eye contact.

"boys." Pansy mouths and Bailey rolls her eyes in response. the two girls laugh and Bailey starts writing her letter to Sirius. she tells him about her detention with Umbridge and the scar shes most likely going to get. she makes sure to add in how Mattheo was set on applying the cream on her hand before even considering helping himself.

'that ought to get Mattheo into Sirius' good books.' she thinks. all Bailey wants is for Sirius to approve of Mattheo. 'i dont know why i care so much, its only a bet anyway.' says a thought at the back of her head. is this only a bet to her however? Bailey couldnt tell if it was.

"i need to go to the Owlery." Bailey announces to the group.

"ill go with you." Mattheo says.

"no i will, i need to get some girl time without you boys being there." Pansy quickly says, rushing over to Bailey. "come on, lets go." she adds, grabbing Bailey and dragging her out of the common room before Mattheo can intercept.

"so i see you're well underway with your bet." Pansy mocks.

"yeah, i am." Bailey replies.

"you still sure youre gonna win?" Pansy asks.

"yup, all i need to do is fake it for 6 months then break up with him and boom. 40 galleons for me." Bailey says. Pansy rolls her eyes.

"or, you lose and give both me and draco 20 galleons." Pansy responds.

"i dont lose pan pan." Bailey announces. Pansy makes a sound of disagreement.

Mattheos POV
"well theyre gone." Mattheo says.

"yup i guess. so you and Black huh?" Draco smirks.

"yeah." Theodore teases. "quite the couple. after 5 years of flirting, you finally got your way huh." Theo adds.

"shut up Theo." Mattheo complains, slapping Theo. Theo just laughs.

"so how did you ask her out." Draco asks.

"didnt really ask her to be honest, she brought me to sit with her Gryffindor friends and when they asked why i was there she just said i was her boyfriend. the Weasley boy and Potter seemed very confused. just as confused as i was, actually." Mattheo admits.

"why were you sitting with Potter?" Draco questions, clearly disgusted.

"because hes basically Baileys family." Mattheo responds, harshly. he knows how much Bailey hates when Draco talks bad about Harry.

"ok, but hes not special." Draco points out.

"look i dont care if you think hes 'not special', i dont give a fuck what you were taught by your fAthEr as a kid, but have some fucking respect for one of your friends family. hes a brotherly figure to Bailey, and if you were a good friend, you'd fucking respect that and shut the fuck up talking shit about him." Mattheo shouts. he dont know where it came from, but just a sudden burst of anger overcame him. just then, Bailey runs into the common room and hugs Mattheo tight. Mattheo, not know she was there, freezes in shock. he hugs her back.

"Lee im-" Draco begins.

"you know i hate it when you talk shit about him and Sirius. unlike you, i never knew my real family. i was found on the fucking road for fuck sake. Harry and Sirius have been the closest things to a normal family ive ever had, so if you dont stop talking shit about me, and my family, me and you? were gonna have issues. grow a pair of fucking balls Malfoy, and instead of saying it behind my back, say it to my fucking face." Bailey says, angrily. she storms off and Mattheo follows closely behind her.

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