Chapter 16~ Christmas Day

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Baileys POV:
"morning baby. Merry Christmas." Mattheo greets, waking Bailey.

"morning Rattymatty. Merry Christmas to you too." Bailey replies. Mattheos arm is wrapped around her. she fell asleep cuddled up to him last night for the 3rd time this week.

"what time is it?" Bailey asks. Mattheo checks his watch.

"half 7." he responds.

"ok, i love christmas, but dont wake me at half 7." Bailey says, hitting him playfully.

"but i wanted to give you your present." Mattheo says, pretending to be sad. Bailey fully wakes up at this.

"you got me a present? you really didnt have to baby." she says. she hates anyone spending money on her, and Mattheo knows this.

"yeah, but its christmas." Mattheo argues. he opens the drawer in his locker and hands Bailey a small box from in it. Bailey opens it and sees a necklace with the letter B on it.

"Matty, this looks so expensive

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"Matty, this looks so expensive. you really shouldnt have, i cant accept it." Bailey says. she knows that Mattheo really has to work for every last galleon he earns because his parents never give him any money.

"i saved up my money to get it just for you. please, you have to take it Bailey." Mattheo demands, taking it from her and putting it on for her.

"i really love it. thank you, so much." Bailey thanks, looking up at Mattheo and giving him a little peck on his lips. "i have your present as well." Bailey tells him, going to her trunk. she grabs the notebook, quill and rings she got him.

"i got you the notebook because i always see you writing in a notebook, and it looked full so i got you a new one." Bailey explains, worried. she was so scared he wouldnt like it. she hands him the presents as he looks down at it.

"i love you so much Bailey." Mattheo says looking up at her, making eye contact. he stands up out of bed and brings Bailey in for a big hug. Bailey loves hugging him because hes so much taller than she is. Mattheo makes her feel safe, and she loves that.

they both get dressed and go down for breakfast at 8. ms Weasley is already up, making pancakes for everyone.

"merry christmas Bailey, Mattheo. your presents are on the kitchen table, dears." she says, joyfully.

Bailey looks at Mattheo. "i guess Molly approves of you, you got a jumper" Bailey smiles, pointing at a brown wrapped present. Mattheo smiles.

"happy christmas Bail, you too Mattheo." Sirius says.

"thanks dad, you too." Bailey replies.

"thank you mr Black" Mattheo responds, politely.

"you can call me Sirius, Mattheo." he corrects, making Mattheo smile again.

Mattheos POV:
Mattheo thinks everyone in 12 Grimmauld Place has been extremely welcoming and kind to him, despite who his parents are. however, Harry, understandably, hasnt been very accepting. hes very weary around Mattheo. it does make Mattheo feel sad that his dad killed Harrys family, and now 17 years later, Harrys nervous around him. Mattheo gets that Harry needs time to feel comfortable around him, but Mattheo cant help but feel like he never will be comfortable. 

to Mattheos surprise, he was given presents this christmas, from ms Weasley, Professor Lupin and Sirius- a jumper, like Bailey said, from ms Weasley, a book about Defence Against the Dark Arts from Lupin and a Wizards Chess board with pieces from Sirius.

"thank you so much Sirius. i cant wait to practise and then one day beat you in a match." Mattheo smirks. Sirius laughs.

"youre not gonna beat me any day soon, son." Sirius replies. Mattheo feels his heart warm at that. after ms Weasley finishes the breakfast, everyone comes down to enjoy the wonderful meal.

"that was delicious, thank you, ms Weasley." Mattheo thanks. Bailey smiles at him. he can tell that shes happy that hes there and trying his best to be polite and respectful to the people she considers family. the other teens open their presents.

"uh.. Mattheo. i- uh- got you this." Harry says, handing Mattheo a small parcel.

"oh, you really shouldn't have, Harry." Mattheo replies, taking the present from Harry. he unwraps it and sees a pack of Bertie Botts Every Flavour Jelly Beans, a Chocolate Frog and Liquorice Wands.

"i didnt know what you liked, so i just got you a few things." Harry says, awkwardly. Bailey places her hand on Harrys and smiles. Mattheo knows that Bailey appreciates Harry trying to be friendly towards him.

later on, Tonks and Mad Eye Moody come over for a christmas dinner. since there was more people coming over, Bailey had gone up and gotten dressed up, did her hair and makeup. Mattheo, however, believes if she had worn her pyjamas, she'd be just as beautiful. when she comes down the stairs, he cant help but smile at her.

she was wearing a checkered skirt, a black top and knee high boots, along with the necklace he got her.

"do i look ok?" she asks, worriedly

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"do i look ok?" she asks, worriedly.

"you look gorgeous love. i promise." Mattheo smiles, encouragingly. Bailey takes his hand and they walk into the kitchen together, sitting at the table.

"hey Tonks, happy christmas! how are you?" Bailey asks.

"yeah im good, what do you think of the hair colour?" Tonks smiles.

"i love it, its very christmassy." Bailey responds. Tonk's hair is a bright red colour. Bailey told Mattheo that Tonks is a Metamorphmagus, meaning she can change her looks however and whenever she wants, very easily.

when dinner comes out, Mattheo places his hand on Baileys thigh. smiling slightly, he starts to slowly move his hand up her thigh, teasingly.

Baileys POV:
'what the fuck is he thinking? hes literally subtly trying to fuck me under the table when my family and friends are right here.' Bailey thinks. she smiles as normal and shoots him a death glare. he smiles at her reaction, his hand still moving up.

'were so gonna get caught.' she thinks. how awkward would that be? his hand reaches the hem of her skirt and he plays with it.

"so Bailey, hows school going?" Lupin asks Bailey.

"yeah its good, i got seeker for the Slytherin team." Bailey says. she feels Mattheos finger start to rub her on top of her underwear. she bites the inside of her cheek to not make a sound. 'really? when shes talking to someone?' could he not wait until theyre in their room?

"thats so good, Bail. were so proud of you. how are you doing in your subjects?" Tonks adds. Mattheo rubs her clit slightly harder before she starts to speaking, causing her to hesitate.

"its- its all good, but we have a new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, and shes pretty bad, her detentions are the wo- worst." Bailey says, trying to hold back her cries of pleasure.
'oh its so on' she thinks.

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