Chapter 11- Friday

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Baileys POV:
Bailey wakes up on Friday morning, feeling anxious. its her first match AND shes going to be playing against some of her best friends. she gets into her school robe and goes down to the common room.

"good morning love." Mattheo says, leaning on the window still with his arms crossed. Bailey smiles at him in response. she walks over and leans against the window still beside him. he puts his arm around her waist, his hand resting on her hip. she rests her head on his shoulder.

"how'd you sleep?" Bailey asks.

"shit, if im gonna be honest." Mattheo answers.

"aww why?" Bailey asked sadly.

"just took forever to fall asleep. how about you?" he asked.

"alright." she answered. Pansy comes down soon after and the group go to breakfast. Bailey and Mattheo sit with the Gryffindors.

"morning." Bailey says, joyfully.

"morning Bail, you excited for the match?" Harry asks.

"yup, excited to hand your ass to you on a sliver plater" Bailey teases. beside her, she hears Mattheo chuckle at her.

"oh no you wont, were totally gonna beat you." Fred cuts in.

"we'll be battling it out in the skys pretty shortly, Harry." Bailey laughs. "cant wait to win the snitch from you." she teases.

"not gonna happen, its your first match as Seeker, ive been Seeker for Gryffindor for 5 years. good luck winning against me." Harry answers back.

Mattheos POV:
while Harry and Bailey are arguing about who the better Seeker is, Fred and George are talking to Mattheo.

"where do you play?" George asks.

"Beater, what about you?" Mattheo answers.

"us too, i guess, we'll also be battling it out." Fred replies. Mattheo shrugs his shoulders in response.

Mattheo had lied about why he couldnt sleep. he was too busy being worried about Bailey being Seeker. he didnt doubt her abilities, of course not, but he was just worried about her getting hurt. what if she fell off her broom, diving for the snitch and hurts herself? what if she falls from a height? what if she gets hit by a Bludger he wasnt able to stop? or worse- what if he hits the Bludger and it goes at her? he would never forgive himself if he hit her with a Bludger. deep down, he knows she'll be ok, but he cant help but overthink all of the worst possible outcomes.

"hey, Mattheo, you alright?" Ginny asks, sounding worried, bringing Mattheo back to reality. he hadnt realised he had completely zoned out. Bailey looks at him, her eyes, concerned.

"yeah, yeah im fine." he replies, forcing a smile. "im fine." he says again, hoping if he says it enough, he'll believe it himself. Bailey leans into his ear.

"i know youre not 'fine', seriously, whats wrong?" she whispers.

"its hard to explain, ill tell you before charms." Mattheo whispers back.

"pinky promise?" she responds, holding out her pinky. he takes her pinky and wraps it around his.

"pinky promise." he confirms. he doesnt want to tell her, but he knows she wont let it go, so he'll have to.

when theyre finished their breakfast, Bailey and Mattheo say goodbye to the Gryffindors, and start walking to Charms.

"you pinky promised. now, tell me whats wrong." Bailey says, almost immediately.

Mattheo sighs, and tells Bailey what he was worring about.

"Matty, stop. dont worry about me, i promise ill be fine. i can duck and dodge, so that takes the Bludger problems out of the way, i know how to land safely if needed, if im falling from a height, i know you, Harry, Fred and George, Ron and Ginny are all out there, so im not worried, and neither should you." Bailey comforts, hugging him.

"i just, dont want you to get hurt." Mattheo admits.

"i swear, i wont. ill be extra careful, just for you." Bailey tells him. he smiles at that.

by the time they were in Defense Against the Dark Arts, their last class, Mattheo could already feel the adrenaline pumping through his body. Draco, Bailey and Mattheo all go up to Professor Umbridge at the start of the class.

"sorry, Professor, we have to leave class 10 minutes early, we have to get ready for the match." Bailey tells her, polietly.

"well, i cant let you leave my class. you need to learn everything in this class, and if you leave 10 minutes early, youll miss out." Umbridge responds, rudely, in her shrill voice.

"but, Professor Snape said we have to have some class time off in the last class to get prepared." Mattheo adds. "we'll get the notes from someone else and catch up, we promise." he says.

"ok, fine." she finally agrees and the 3 sit down for class. 10 minutes before class ends, they leave, get changed into their robes and head to the quidditch pitch to warm up.

Baileys POV:
Bailey mounts her Firebolt and kicks off to warmup with the rest of the team. she has to catch the snitch in a certain space. Flint had cast a spell like that of a box, that she went into with the snitch and she would have to catch it over and over again as practise.

at 3:15 the Slytherin team go into their dressing rooms for a talk with the captain and Head of House.

"just dont lose. Bailey, i know youre like... sister to Potter, but you better not let him win that snitch." Flint says, aggressively. Bailey nods.

"come on Slytherin, we can do this, we will beat Gryffindor." Snape encourages, in his usual monotone voice. the team does their usual broom smacks, as a pre-match tradition. they walk out at 3:18 and onto the pitch, walking beside Gryffindor.

"now, i want a fair, clean game of Quidditch." Madam Hooch says, already flying in the air. the 2 houses line up opposite each other and mount their brooms and kick off into the sky.

Gryffindor go to their side, Slytherin, theirs. Madam Hooch flies back down to the ground to let the Quaffle, Bludger and Snitch out to commence the game.

"anddddd we're off." says Lee, the Twins friend who commentates most of the matches.

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