Chapter 7~ A What?

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Baileys POV:
she storms off. she hears footsteps behind her. Bailey turns around and sees Mattheo following after her. she stops once she seens him and he walks up to her and holds her tight.

"hes a dickhead, just ignore him. he grew up with both parents and he doesn't understand what its like. just dont take heed to anything he said about Sirius." Mattheo says.

"i know, but he knows how much it affects me. my parents clearly didnt want me, so the fact that Sirius wanted me just makes me feel so appreciated. he makes me feel like i belong. he means the world to me. and Draco just doesn't respect that." Bailey sobs. words cannot describe how much she loves Sirius.

"its ok Bail, i promise. Sirius is so lucky to have you, you dont even understand." Mattheo comforts.

"thank you Mattheo. that means a lot. i think im just gonna go to bed, my hands sore and i really just need to sleep on it and decide what to do about the situation in the morning." Bailey announces.

"yeah thats smart, ill see you in the morning. goodnight love." Mattheo says, kissing the top of her head.

"goodnight Matty." Bailey replies, going up to her dorm room.

Mattheos POV:
after Bailey goes up to bed, Mattheo walks back to the common room.

"is she ok?" Pansy asks, worried.

"yeah, shes going to bed." Mattheo replies, glaring at Draco.

"why are you looking at me like its my fault?" Draco demands.

"because it fucking is idiot." Mattheo says, angrily. "im not dealing with your bullshit." he complains, and he goes off to bed aswell.

"i dont know-" Mattheo hears Draco say from the distance, but he just walks on. he didnt wanna start a fight again.

Mattheo went to his dorm and got changed for the night. he brushes his teeth and hears the door open. Draco walks in. Mattheo rolls his eyes, and goes back to brushing his teeth, ignoring him.

"are you actually pissed at me?" Draco questions.

"yes, of course i am." Mattheo replies.

Mattheo finishes getting ready for bed then gets into bed.

"Mattheo-" Draco starts.

"dont." Mattheo cuts in. Draco stops.

The next morning:
Mattheo wakes up early to avoid Draco. he puts on his robes and goes down to the common room to wait for Bailey. he checks the time and sees thats its 7am. Bailey would be up soon. he decides to do some homework while he waits.

"morning Matty." Bailey says.

"oh hi, good morning. i didnt hear you come down." Mattheo replies.

"its 8, wanna go down and get breakfast." Bailey suggests.

"yeah lets go." Mattheo says.

the couple walk down to the Great Hall for breakfast. they sit there for around an hour as they wait for classes to begin. loads of other Slytherins came down for breakfast and the table has filled up.

when 9:30am rolls around, they head to potions. Snape walks in soon after they arrive.

"students, i have two announcements to make before class. at the end of this term, there will be a Christmas Ball." Snape announces. "it is my duty as your Head of House to inform you."

Mattheo makes eye contacts with Bailey.

he smiles at her, mouthing "go to the ball with me?"

Bailey nods in agreement, making Mattheo smile even more. 

"my final announcement is concerning that of quidditch tryouts. the tryouts will be on Thusday. any new and old players are welcome to try for any position on the team." snape says. "now, we will be making a Cure for Boils today."

Baileys POV:
Bailey has to sit next to Draco in Potions- she ignore him for as long as possible.

"Bailey im sorry, please talk to me." Draco begs.

Bailey just doesnt answer him.

"Bailey im serious." Draco adds.

"if you didnt talk shit about my family maybe id talk to you." Bailey snaps. Draco finally stops talking and they get on with the lesson.

lunch couldnt have come sooner. to avoid Draco, she sits with the Gryffindors.

"Mione, Ginny, you'll never guess what. theres gonna be a BALL." Bailey says, excitedly.

Ron spits out his pumpkin juice.

"a ball? please dont tell me its like the Yule Ball." Ron cries out.

"yeah, you have to wear the dress robes from the Yule Ball." Bailey teases.

"youre kidding me." Ron begs. Bailey laughs at him.

"i hate you sometimes." Ron says angrily.

"anywayyyy, they having the Slytherin quidditch tryouts on Thursday. im going for the seaker." Bailey tells her friends excitedly.

"oh thats so cool! i hope you get it." Ginny says.

"i guess ill see you on the pitch then." Harry replies.

"ok, dont get hurt when i win against Gryffindor." Bailey teases.

"you wont win though so i wont get hurt" Harry smiles.

"hey isnt that your boyfriend Lee?" Fred says, pointing at Mattheo.

"yeah, it is." Bailey agrees. "Matty, over here." she adds. Mattheo smiles and walks towards them.

"i dont approve of your boyfriend Lee." Harry says.

"neither does Sirius, but hes allowing it so you should too." Bailey complains. Harry rolls his eyes.

"hey Baileyboo." Mattheo greets.

"hold up. what was that? what did you just call me?" Bailey questions, smiling at Mattheo.

"you call me Rattymatty, ill call you Baileyboo." Mattheo says flirtatious.

"ew, stop im trying to eat, i dont wanna watch you two be all flirty while im eating." George says, grossed out.

"shut up Georgie." Bailey complains.

classes begin again, and they felt so long. Bailey didnt have any classes with Mattheo or with any of her friends.

finally classes end and Bailey, Mattheo and Pansy do their homework together.

"are you talking to Draco, Lee?" Pansy asks.

"no, im pissed at him." Bailey tells her friend. "im finished this, you can copy it if you want, im exhausted and i need to go to sleep for a while. ill see yous later." she adds.

"ok Bailey, ill see you in a while." Pansy says.

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