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Authors note: So how this is going to work is that we are Hector in this story, and there are certain characters that will have different personality's compared to their real behaviors in the RWBY story. So what this means is that this is Remnants version of the Trojan war. Here, we are breaking down each character, and how our veiw is of them.

Prince Y/N Schnee= Prince Hector: You are the leader of the great Atlesian Army, and the defender of Atlas. You show great compassion for your people, and unwavering love to you wife and family, and you would give your life to see Atlas stand high above the raging mountains.

Queen Willow Schnee=King Priam: She is your mother, and the Queen of Atlas. She loves you to her hearts core, and would do anything for her children if it meant they could live.

Prince Whitley Schnee=Prince Paris: Your younger brother, and your mother's youngest child. Although you were angry at him for the stealing of King Jaune's wife, you couldn't stay that way forever, even if he had endangered your home.

Princess Pyrrha Nikos=Princess Helen: When you came to Vale to make piece with King Jaune, you had to admit to yourself that Pyrrha was a gorgeous woman. Even though she felt guilty for bringing the wrath of Menagerie upon Atlas, you told her not to feel that way, and to stay by your brother's side.

Priestess Weiss Schnee=Priestess Briseis: Your youngest sister, Weiss chose to follow in the path of the temple, rather than the path of leadership for your great city. You felt happy for her, hoping she'd serve the Gods well.

Princess Winter Schnee=Princess Andromache: Not only is she your wife, but your sister as well. Mother had thought of finding both of you separate soulmates, but when she saw that you both loved one another as more than siblings, she simply couldn't keep you both apart. You love her with all your heart, and now, your not only lovers, but parents, having been blessed with a beautiful baby girl.

King Ghira Belladonna=King Agamemnon: King of the Menagerie alliance, and wishing for the great city of Atlas to be nothing more than a smoldering pile of rubble and ash. You both don't have the greatest of respects to one another, especially when he demanded your kingdom's submission to his command.

Queen Kali Belladonna= King Nestor: The wife of King Ghira, the mother of Queen Blake, the only other Queen in Ghira's inner circle of rulers, and one of the only people that Ghira would actually pay heed to listen to. Your only real interaction with her was at the front gates when she told you, "You can still save Atlas, young Prince."

Queen Blake Belladonna=King Odysseus: The daughter of King Ghira, Blake is a far more reasonable and cunning ruler compared to her father. She is great friends with Adam, and has great respect for you, and you to her.

King Ozpin=King Triopas: Before joining Ghira's alliance, Oz wished for his land to still be separated from it. But he was soon opted in the other direction when he witnessed Adam single-handedly kill his best Warrior.

King Jaune Arc=King Menelaus: The great brother of King Ghira, and Pyrrha's former husband, Jaune and you were once great friends, until your brother took Pyrrha from him. Not willing to let him kill your brother, you will be sure to slay him, should he try to kill your brother.

Princess Nora Valkyrie=Prince Ajax: A hotheaded, muscular ginger girl, you never saw a caring woman in Nora, especially after she killed many of your countrymen. You and her will have some beef when you meet again.

Captain Mercury Black= Captain Eudoros: The Captain of the Myrmidons, and subordinate to Adam Taurus. The little interaction you had with Mercury still had great impact upon both of you. You both reached a mutual understanding with one another.

Sienna Khan= Patroclus: Cousin to the great Adam Taurus, Sienna was always eager to fight alongside her cousin and his Myrmidons, but Adam never allowed for her to do so. You would never really know who Sienna was, but you never wished to meet her the way you did. On the end of your blade.

Lieutenant Robyn Hill=Tecton: A good friend of yours, and your righthand officer in the field of battle, Robyn was a capable, loyal, and respectful officer, with you and her joining up with the Atilian Guard before battle. Though you wish she hadn't left the gates with you the day the Menagerians came.

Captain May Marigold= Captain Pulsanda (for those who don't know, it's the guy in the armory that Hector asks to mobilize the army sooner. I also doubt I spelt his name correctly.): May was always a good soldier, working tirelessly to get the rest of your army mobilized, and to get your people inside the city walls to protect them. You and her have always held a strong bond of friendship with each other.

General James Ironwood=General Glaucus:
Much like Robyn, James was a good friend of yours, and a loyal soldier, always by your side on the field of battle. You both always lead the army from the front in war, using your brilliant leadership to hold your troops together.

And finally...

Adam Taurus=Achilles: Adam was really a man you couldn't link up with. He was ruthless, and reviled in the 'glory' of killing. To most, he is the greatest warrior the world ever saw, but to you, he was a heartless killer, devoid of any care for anyone, save himself. You had many of the same feels toward Adam, that you had towards Nora, but they were even stronger compared to Nora, because it was Adam who had thrown a spear into Robyn's throat.

And that's that. Also, I'm gonna make this story more interesting, (at least in my eyes, it will be more interesting) by saying that you have advanced technology, but only for your populace. Both sides rely on the infantry based warfare that dominated the battlefields of ancient Troy, but instead of bronze weapons, you all have steel and iron, instead. I'm hoping to make this story a very quick one, since the movie it's based on doesn't spam over 9 years. And sorry if I'm included some of your favorite RWBY characters that are going to get killed in this story. I just couldn't find anyone else who was a better option. Hope you enjoy this description.

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