Chapter 4

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(Narrator): As the Menagerian fleet sailed it's way to war, the Kingdom of Atlas was in a uproar at the return of their Princes.

3rd person POV.

Y/N smiled as he entered through the gates of his home behind Whitley and Pyrrha. The two Princes and their envoys were greeted with roaring crowds of people and soldiers, all showering them in flower petals as they welcomed them back from their trip to Vale.

Whitley smiled as he drove the chariot that he and Pyrrha shared, with Pyrrha trying her best to smile, but felt excluded because of some of the people pointing at her or giving her a strange look. She looked down in despair, but Whitley was there for her, "Don't worry, Pyrrha. I will always love you even if they don't." He told his Queen as he gave her a kiss.

Y/N, on the other hand, was taking in the warm welcome from his countrymen. Smiling and waving to the amazing people who he had protected for years with vigorous determination. But while Y/N was happy to see his people, alive and happy, the one he really was wanting to see was his sister and wife, Winter Schnee.

As the two Schnee Princes rode through the streets, they eventually made it to the palace stairs. There at the top, their mother, Queen Willow Schnee, awaited her boys.

The Princes received congratulations in the form of applause from the other royal blooded men and women at the palace. Willow looked in the direction of her sons with a warm smile formed on her face. She immediately walked up to Y/N, with her arms open, "My boy!" She said, happily as her and her eldest child embraced.

"Mother. Good to be back home." Y/N smiled back before moving over to reveal Whitley. Willow's smile never wavered at the site of her youngest, "Whitley." She said as Whitley walked up to her.

Willow placed her hands on the side of her son's face, giving both a kiss. The Queen's smile still shined brightly as Whitley stepped back, "Mother. This is Pyrrha," the boy Prince said as he introduced Pyrrha to his mother.

Pyrrha walked up to Willow, "Pyrrha? Pyrrha of Vale?" She asked her son. "Pyrrha of Atlas." Whitley corrected his mother, causing her smile to grow before her eyes landed on the shy and nervous looking Pyrrha Nikos.

"I have heard rumors of your beauty." Willow said as Pyrrha came closer to the Atlesian Queen. "And for once...gossip's were right." Willow continued as she gave Pyrrha a kiss on each side of her head. Pyrrha smiled at the generous woman, "Welcome." Willow finished with a smile.

"Thank you, good Queen," Pyrrha thanked the Queen of Atlas. Willow's smile never wavered before she spoke, "Come, all of you. You all must be tired from your trip," She said as she lead the group into the palace.

When inside they were greeted with another group of royal blooded who gave an applause to the Princes. But Y/N had his eyes on something else, or rather someone else. Winter Schnee, his sister and loving wife, walked closer to him as the Warrior Prince walked up to his wife.

They both shared a kiss then embraced one another, "I missed you!" Winter said with a joyful tone, one that Y/N returned, "I missed you, too. My beautiful snowflake," he said as he and Winter pulled away.

"Look!" Winter said as she directed her husband over to their baby girl, Y/N gasped at his little girl before speaking, "She's grown! And she has her mother's eyes," Y/N smiled as he stroked his little baby's head.

Winter smiled, "And she's strong. Just like her father," she replied as she started cradling her baby. Both her and Y/N looked at one another, smiling then looked back at their child. "She'll have the beauty of her mother when she's all grown up," Y/N said, still stroking D/N's head.

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