Chapter 8

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(Narrator): With his brother dead in the dust, rage consumed Ghira, and now, he swore he would burn Atlas to the ground, and make sure none of it's people or even any of it's buildings were left standing.

3rd person POV.

As Adam appeared on the scene, Ghira burned with rage, and a determined act to avenge his fallen brother. "CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Ghira roared out, ordering his army to attack. With a loud battle cry, the thousands of soldiers charged forward, eager to fight and kill.

Winter, Willow, and Pyrrha sat back down on their seats, while Y/N held Whitley up as they ran back to their line. But Whitley got out of Y/N's hold, and raced back to wear his mother's sword had fallen. He fell to the ground as he grabbed onto the hilt, then stumbled back to his feet as he ran as best he could away from the charging Menagerians.

Y/N brought Whitley his horse, which he mounted, before Y/N told him to go into the city gates. The two brothers raced to the gates as their army made a gap for them, then closed back into formation to take the charge from the enemy army that was baring down in them. "Get inside, Whitley! Archers!!!" Y/N ordered up the wall, with the archers knocking their arrows into their bows, and drew them back, ready to fire.

Blake saw this, and she realized what a dangerous situation Ghira had placed their army in, "Our warriors are to close to the walls." She said to herself. Adam noticed this critical mistake as well, "Pull back. Pull back you fool!" He said, demonstrating his frustration about how poorly planned this attack was thought out.

Y/N had his shield and spear with him as he sat on his horse, "FOR ATLAS!!!!" He shouted, donning his helmet as his soldiers repeating his words in a battle cry of their own. The front rank's leveled their spears and braced themselves for the on-coming charge.

When the Menagerian soldiers clashed against the wall of Atlesians, many were sent flying over the first rank and into the spears of the second rank. Blood on both sides began to flow, but the Atlesian lines held their ground, giving the archers plenty of time.

"Now!" Ironwood ordered, with the archers loosing their arrows into the massive horde of soldiers below them. The hail of arrows claimed many lives as the Menagerian army pressed forward.

The Atlesian archers continued their rain of arrows, which helped ease the load on the front line. Back at the Myrmidon hill, Adam was pacing back and forth as he watched many men and women lose their lives to the hails of arrows. "Get them in line!" Growled to himself, noticing that the army wasn't able to properly use their shield because of their frenzied charge.

The Atlesians continued pouring down on the Menagerians, carving a path of slaughter through their enemies ranks. "Get the men back into line!" Blake ordered to no avail as the army continued charging.

But that charge was soon to be stalled into a mixed mess of a shield wall, "Front line, push!" Y/N ordered, with his army beginning to push hard against the crumbling assault. His men and women cut down the Menagerian attackers in a eager bid to avenge their fellow countrymen and countrywomen who had been killed in the beaches.

The arrows continued pouring as the Atlesian army pushed harder. But a large gap was in their line as Nora and a group of her soldiers were fighting to keep their army going forward. Nora smashed a man's face with her hammer, then bashed her massive shield into another small group of soldiers.

Y/N took notice of the massive warrior Princess, and knew he needed to silence her. He urged his horse forward, riding straight for Nora. The Princess saw the Prince coming, with his spear raised into the air. She shifted to the left, then used her shield to knock Y/N from his horse.

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