Chapter 9

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(Narrator): Back in the beaches, Ghira, Kali, and Blake were discussing on weather they would stay and fight, or return back home. Ghira was arguing for them to stay, but he knew that he would need to employ Adam back into the army if he wanted to stay.

3rd person POV.

Ghira paced around his ship, feeling utterly humbled before the walls of Atlas. "We've already lost half our army, Ghira. You must consider having us leave." Blake stated. Ghira scoffed at his daughter's remark, "Maybe we should. Huh! Flee! Like a whipped dog!" Ghira shouted in frustration. "The men and women believe that we came here for Jaune's wife! We won't be needing her anymore." Blake said, dismissively.

This caused her father's angered gaze to land upon her, "My brother, and your uncle's blood still wets this sand and you insult him!?" Ghira growled. Blake remained calm, "It's no insult to say that a dead man is in fact, dead." Blake said.

"If we leave now, we lose all credibility. The Atlesians can beat us so easily. How long will it be before the Hittites invade?" Kali asked. "If we stay, we stay for the right reasons. To protect Menagerie, not your pride, father." Blake said, scolding her father.

"And you will need to stop being as prideful as you are, now. Because your private battle with Adam is destroying us." Blake told Ghira. The King couldn't believe his daughter's words, "Adam is one man!" Ghira claimed, but that only fueled Blake to continue, "Y/N is also one man! And look at what he did to us, today." Blake snapped.

But Ghira still wouldn't follow, "Y/N fight's for his country! Adam fight's only for himself!" Ghira shouted at the Ithacian Queen. "I don't care about the man's allegiance! I care about his ability to win battles!" Blake said back to her father.

Kali spoke up next, "Our daughter is right, Ghira. The soldier's morale is weak." Kali stated. "Well even if I could make peace with Taurus, the man won't listen to me!" Ghira claimed in frustration.

"He's as likely to spear me as he is to speak with me!" Ghira shouted as he stood next to his throne. "I'll talk with him," Blake said as she drank from her cup, "He'll want that girl you took from him back." Kali told her husband. Ghira shrugged, "He can have that damn girl. I haven't touched her!" Ghira claimed.

"Where is she?" Blake asked. Ghira sighed as he sat in his throne, "I'm probably going to regret this decision, but I gave her to the men. They'll need some amusement after today!" Ghira stated.

And out on the beach, some of Ghira's men were making 'great' sport of Weiss. They were laughing as they abused the Schnee Priestess in every manner. "Come on! Give the bitch to me!" Laughed one of the men as Weiss was thrown his way.

He locked his arms around her before picking her up. "Who's first, eh!?" He asked to his fellow men. One of them got Weiss passed to him as the men called her a myriad of insults. "Atlas whore! What's this...a virgin's robe!!!" Laughed the second man, earning a laugh from the others.

Weiss struggled in the second man's arms as she tried getting out of his grasp, "She won't be needing that for much longer!" Another man laughed as the first man brought out a metal symbol that had been sitting on the fire attached to a metal stick.

"Hold her!" He shouted as he came closer to Weiss. The Schnee pulled and struggled to break out, then hit the first man in the face. The man responded by punching Weiss, then rolled up one of her sleeves, "Your gonna be a Valaian slave rather than a Atlas Preistess!" He shouted as he brought the metal closer to Weiss' skin.

But out of no where, Adam appeared, and snatched the metal stick from the man's hand, and pressed the burning metal against his neck. The man screamed in agony, with on of the men that held Weiss, letting go of her as his fellow man drew his sword, only for Adam to strike him with the piece of metal.

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