Chapter 5

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(Narrator): As the sun rose over the shining city of Atlas, you would have thought things weren't out of the ordinary. The market place was flourishing with traders and buyers. Citizens were attending to their everyday lives. The bakery was cooking with fresh bread and biscuits. Yes, everything seemed completely normal. But looks can be deceiving.

3rd person POV.

It was true that activity in the city of Atlas was flourishing, but while the people were trading and selling goods to other good people of their city, other forces in the city were at work. Even forces at the beaches of Atlas were stirring.

At the beaches, soldiers were stationed to prepare a defense of massive stakes, with a temple dedicated to Apollo. Men and women worked tirelessly as they sharpened the large logs into stakes, before having them planted into the ground, facing out to the waves that crashed against the sands, while inside the temple, Weiss and other priests and priestess' made offerings and sacrifices to their Gods.

In the blacksmith forges, swords, axes, maces, spears, armor, shields, and arrows were being crafted on an industrious scale. In the city center, soldiers were mobilized as the priests prayed to the Gods to watch over their people.

In the palace, Queen Willow knelt before a statue of the Sun God, Apollo. Praying that her Y/N wouldn't be needing to go to war today. Speaking of Y/N, he and Winter were in their room together, playing and loving their precious little girl. Y/N held D/N while holding the little lion statue in front of her.

The little Princess of Atlas playfully grabbed at the toy her father had carved for her. Y/N smiled happily as he looked up at Winter, who returned the smile while stroking their child's head.

Back down in the city, blacksmith's and forgers continued to forge weapons. May Marigold, Y/N's captain, oversaw the works, making sure every blade and shield was ready for war. The weapons were then placed in wagons to be transported to the armory, where the rest of the army was to mobilize in the face of an attack.

Many of the citizens were taking notice of this sudden burst in military activity, as ranks of Atlesian troops marched through the streets of Atlas.

Suddenly, the massive bell above the gate rang as the soldiers nearby bashed a large log against it. The noise caught Y/N and Winter's attention, with Y/N handing D/N off to Winter to see the reason for the noise.

When he looked out over the balcony, a massive fleet of Menagerian ships greeted his eyes. A look of shock and fear plastered itself onto Y/N's face, before he rushed off to get his armor. Winter watched as her husband went to get his weapons, and looked over the balcony to see the armada of ships.

D/N started to cry at the ringing noise of the bell, as Y/N grabbed his shield and sword, "Winter!" Y/N said as he walked over to his wife. He gave her a kiss before turning to leave, "Be safe, Y/N!" Winter called as he left their shared room to get to the armory.

Whitley and Pyrrha looked out to see the fleet of ships that rowed for the Atlesian shore. Pyrrha carried a look of despair as the ships rowed closer to the beaches. The soldiers at the shore took up their positions to prepare for the on-coming assault from the Menagerian army.

Citizens in the city rushed out of the streets, with the children and which ever parent that wasn't in the army running into their homes, while the men and women who were enlisted rushed quickly to the armory.

As the fleet of ships drew closer, one ship raced ahead of the others. It was a black sailed ship with a spartan crest on it. It was Adam Taurus and his Myrmidons preparing to take the beach from the Atlesian soldiers that currently held it.

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