Prologue: The Greatest Warrior

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(Narrator): Somewhere in the Kingdom of Haven, two apposing armies are meeting on a field of battle. One army is commanded by King Ghira of Menagerie, and King of an alliance of all the other great kingdoms of Remnant. The other is commanded by King Ozpin of Haven, the last of the kingdoms to refuse to fight for Ghira.

3rd person POV.

The ground was dry as dust was kicked up by the soldiers of the two armies of the Kingdoms of Menagerie and Haven marched to meet with one another. King Ozpin of Haven, much like the other kings before him, had refused to fight for Ghira, which is what lead to this stand off between the two armies.

Ghira had brought all the kings of his ever expanding, Kingdom of Menagerie, to the door step of Haven, not wanting to have another battle with fellow 'Menagerians', as he saw them. But he wasn't against fighting to get what he wanted.

Soon, both armies came to a halt, with only two chariots moving toward the middle of the field. The chariot from the Havenian side, carried King Ozpin. The one coming from the Menagerian side, carried King Ghira.

Both chariots stopped several feet away from the other, and both Kings stepped off, and walked toward the other before stoping right in front of the each other.

For a moment, there was a small silence, with the only things breaking it being the cawing of the crows, and the gentle blow of wind. "Good day for the crows," Ghira spoke. Ozpin had a small glare in his face before speaking, "Remove your army from my land." He said, softly, yet seriously.

Ghira chuckled slightly, "I like your land! I think we'll stay. I like your soldiers, too." Ozpin scoffed at Ghira's remark, "They won't fight for you!" He said, scolding Ghira. But Ghira just chuckled again, "That's what the Mercelians said. And the Acardians. And the Apaeians. Now. They all fight for me." Ghira snickered back.

"You can't have the whole world, Ghira! It's to big. Even for you." Ozpin replied, but Ghira just started laughing again. "Ah, I don't want to see another massacre. Let's settle this in the old manner. Your best fighter against my best." Ghira challenged.

Ozpin smiled, slightly. "And if my man wins?" The old wizard King asked, "We'll leave Haven, for good." Ghira nodded. This time, Ozpin chuckled, then turned his head towards his army. "CARDIN!!!" He called, then turned back to Ghira.

His army let out a roar of cheer, as a hulking man pushed through the crowd of soldiers to the front of the army, wearing no armor, covered in scars, wielding two spears and a shield, and a large mace on his shield. "This is my man!" Ozpin smirked as he pointed back at Cardin.

Ghira slightly nodded his head at the wizard King. "ADAM!!!" Ghira called out, as he turned his head towards his army, but no man stepped forward from the army. This caused the men and women in Ozpin's army to laugh, with Cardin smiling a cocky smile.

Ozpin snickered at Ghira, "Cardin has this effect on many heroes." Ozpin said, cockily. "Careful who you insult, Old King!" Ghira snarled back, with Oz simply smiled. Then, one of the riders in Ghira's army rode up to his King. "My King! Adam is not with the army," the rider told his King.

"Where is he!?" Ghira shouted, "I sent a boy to look for him." The rider answered.

Over at Adam's camp.

Away from the battlefield, at a campsite of black tents, Adam Taurus, the greatest warrior in the world, was busy sleeping away a night he had spent with two women.

A little boy on a horse rode into the camp, and stopped at the front of Adam's tent, before dismounting, and entering the tent, so fine a naked Adam asleep with two unclothed girls cuddling him. The boy only put one finger on Adam's shoulder, when Adam's arm shot up and grabbed the boy, scaring the him.

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